Plecs For 4Ft Tank

Is it possible to mix a couple of the more colourful plecs providing all the needs are met or is it not advised?

Don't suppose anyone knows where I can get some l306 do they? :)

I have done it with mostly successful results, the exception being a bad #17##### L204 that I had to rehome.

Just take care when mixing different genus that you don't put carnis with herbis etc.

If in doubt, ask.
For comparison

My old L128, circa 5.5-6 inches


My old L200 hi fin, about 4 inches, beautiful fish


I actually have one of these guys with a common pleco in a 4' tank, they both are fine. I havent noticed too much growth in the few months I have had him, but maybe because they are in a herbivore cichlid tank.. But very cool fish, my current lighting is coralife 10000k and blue antic, want to upgrade to marineland timed led.


In a 75gallon african cichlid tank

sorry for the horrible quality water, i just rearrange some things and the current gravel is all crappy.
^ Yours is a different fish to mine, actually the same genus as the L128 (Hemiancistrus)
How can you tell with that water? Look similar to me :)

Having mixed success with finding a larger tank so biding my time by trying to decide between getting little ones and growing them or getting bigger ones for a breeding project and sourcing fish of the appropriate size.
Proper planning and all that...
Admittedly a better photo would confirm, but the Dorsal/Adipose region looks more like a Hemi
After looking at some comparison pictures I can see what you mean.

Have you ever tried breeding yours xingumike? And in your opinion is it better to buy smaller and grow on or to buy bigger ones to start with?
And if I may be nosy how much did you pay for yours?
I don't have either of those fish anymore, gave all of my plecos to friends when I left the UK 5 years ago.

I didn't try breeding no, didn't have anymore than one of each, you would need a dedicated set up and lots of patience, it has been done, Harvaard Store (spelling?) had an account of Hemi 200's breeding on PlanetCatfish a few years back.

I think I paid 35 pounds for the 200, the 128 was a present from the missus, was 65 quid I think but was a much bigger fish.

The smaller they are the cheaper they will be generally, budget and availability will ultimately be the deciding factor in what size you end with, I dont think there is a right size to buy. I wouldn't get either of these with the expectation of being able to breed them.
So breeding shouldn't be expected but would be a nice bonus?
I've found somewhere that does them for 35 each at about six inches, all I need is an external and a bigger tank (which is proving elusive)
So breeding shouldn't be expected but would be a nice bonus?
I've found somewhere that does them for 35 each at about six inches, all I need is an external and a bigger tank (which is proving elusive)

If, and it is a big if, breeding happens it would be a massive bonus.

The price sounds good from what I understand, are the Hemi or Bary do you know?
I want to say bary but not having done this much I'm going to provide the link - https://www.##147###/shop/article_397/Large-L200-Green-Phantom-Pleco.html?sessid=xebzJFuod1Z9MbjhM6xCyJ4vlPcnsUPmptT5N1TnJLeciYHOHrYjCGE0RRG2lwme&shop_param=cid%3D90%26aid%3D397%26

Wow that's ugly...

They've got bigger ones for twice the price but they specifically say they're hemi.
link fail, this forum does that for some reason, blocks relevant links.

pm me it or embded the image in the thread using the URL

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