i dont recall saying ALL plecos,
Sorry, had to do it.... all plecs, including the carnivores, evolved eating food with very little nutritional value, probably dead wood and or leaf mould. as they moved through time their diet got better, needing less bulk of food to get enough nutrition. however they still have a digestive system that need vast amounts of fiber. hence the rasping on wood...

If you re-read the thread you'll find that you both basically agree but are approaching it from different directions.
Mike is saying that yes, all plecs need fibre but that it doesn't always have to come from wood. Boboboy is saying that plecs need wood since it's a good source of fibre.
So how about we agree on the fact that plecs need fibre and that if they don't have another source then wood should be available for them. It also gives the added bonus of growing biofilm (Aufwuchs?) and providing cover, so in general it's a good idea (something you've both said).
Now can we let the OP have his thread back? If he dares to enter here again.