Plecs Food With Wood Fibre

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Mar 29, 2008
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I have just bought a new chips for my plecs from JBL. This one contains wood fibre. Can you tell me if there is any difference with some other stuff on the market. I have read it is really positive for the diet of cat fish....
Any comment?
I have just bought a new chips for my plecs from JBL. This one contains wood fibre. Can you tell me if there is any difference with some other stuff on the market. I have read it is really positive for the diet of cat fish....
Any comment?

it will never harm the fish. but you would do better to pop some bog wood in. plecos need bulk that's what the fibre does. wood is actually a very important item. what type is it?
Only Panaque, H cochlidon and a few Lasiancistrus need wood in their diet.

It is not essential to have it in a tank with any other plecs although it does provide something for biofilm to grow on and offers cover at the same time.

would be helpful to know which kind of plec you have, i wouldn't think they would go down very well with Hypans or Pseudas
Only Panaque, H cochlidon and a few Lasiancistrus need wood in their diet.

It is not essential to have it in a tank with any other plecs although it does provide something for biofilm to grow on and offers cover at the same time.

would be helpful to know which kind of plec you have, i wouldn't think they would go down very well with Hypans or Pseudas
the benefits of placing bogwood in with plecos are well established. all plecs, including the carnivores, evolved eating food with very little nutritional value, probably dead wood and or leaf mould. as they moved through time their diet got better, needing less bulk of food to get enough nutrition. however they still have a digestive system that need vast amounts of fiber. hence the rasping on wood. where did you get this information on plecos? i would really like to see the source. its the first time i have come across someone who does not accept the obvious benefits of wood.
agreed there are some plecos that are wood eaters, needing only small additions to their diet. but many plecos benefit from wood in the tank, and for some it is very important. you are the first person to question this, cant think everybody else has been wrong for all those years, which leaves me with one conclusion. -----------!
Whilst i agree that many plecs (excluding the woodeaters i mentioned in my first post) need a high fibre diet, this doesn't need to come from wood, vegetables can be used equally effectively.

So to say that all plecs need wood in their tank is incorrect imo (and others as well). I would always use wood in any tank with plecs in it, i like the look and as stated it gives somewhere for Aufwuchs to grow which is good, but it is not essential
So to say that all plecs need wood in their tank is incorrect imo (and others as well).
ok so you and a few others, the majority say its good, many say you need it! i am left with the same conclusion as before!

nope, your opinion means nothing to me, i listen to those with far more experience keeping Loris than myself, i don't think you fall into that category.

nope, your opinion means nothing to me, i listen to those with far more experience keeping Loris than myself, i don't think you fall into that category.
i say what an adult attitude! :rofl: :rofl: you keep on listening. i will continue to counter these comment from you, and anyone else, whenever i happen to come across them. shame you seem unable to continue a heated discussion on the subject or you could have brought some form of proof of your thoughts. still getting upset and taking your ball home, avoids you having to prove anything.

you act as you wish, and that is correct. but you are stating your beliefs as simple fact. which granted is what i am doing, the difference being, my beliefs are based on the experience of the vast majority of pleco keepers and are consistent with the digestive system of the "common" pleco group.
the difference being, my beliefs are based on the experience of the vast majority of pleco keepers and are consistent with the digestive system of the "common" pleco group.

What is the experience of the vast majority of plec keepers?....and please explain further the digestive system of the 'common' pleco group.
I can't resist chirping in :D

boboboy, you certainly appear to work hard to keeping up with yourself proclaimed member title - (not that you're bothered with anyone else's opinion, but) keep it up, you wouldn't want to disappoint yourself.

and for what it matters (not to you clearly) I also know who's opinion I'd value at the end of day.

Ps: I love it when we all get so heated and passionate about plecs ;)
the difference being, my beliefs are based on the experience of the vast majority of pleco keepers and are consistent with the digestive system of the "common" pleco group.

What is the experience of the vast majority of plec keepers?....and please explain further the digestive system of the 'common' pleco group.
using a goggle search use bog wood and pleco. or a forum search on most fish forums, there are many many posts stating that is preferred if not needed when you keep plecos, and it is very rare to read someone state that it is not. this would seem to say the experiences of these people do not seem to agree with xingumike. agreed, not everyone use, or suggest, you use it as food. but those that do are still a healthy majority. the digestive system/needs of the "common" pleco, i have little knowledge of most other plecos. but as they evolved from the same fish, so they a still broadly the same, though the base/main nutrition source differs from wood, veg through to meat, these fish seem to need it most, is based on high bulk intake with little nutritional value. they have a long digestive tract, this in itself requires large amounts of fibre.

I can't resist chirping in :D

boboboy, you certainly appear to work hard to keeping up with yourself proclaimed member title - (not that you're bothered with anyone else's opinion, but) keep it up, you wouldn't want to disappoint yourself.

and for what it matters (not to you clearly) I also know who's opinion I'd value at the end of day.

Ps: I love it when we all get so heated and passionate about plecs ;)
i am bothered about the opinions of others, just not in their opinion of me. you've bin about a while, you will know that my opinions and beliefs have changed on some things, as they are proved wrong :crazy: , or as i have gained more knowledge and different information has come up. however hard i argue, i have always been willing to change my stance. you will agree, right or wrong, looking round the web and forums, that bogwood is more often than not stated as a must, when people talk about tanks with plecos in. i can see feeding large amounts of veg to your fish would reduce this "need" for wood. however bog wood passes straight through commons, undigested, which indicates that the fish may not be using it for food, but for some other purposes. now if xingumike would bring some item to my attention that gives his argument/stance more solidity, i may well be forced to change. it may turn out to be academic, making no difference if you do it one way or the other. but if there is a benefit, it would be wrong to say there were not as fish could suffer from the lack. if there is not, apart from my red face, no harm will have been done as bogwood will never cause you fish problems. i have found out that many of the carnivorous plecos do need wood, which is something i have l did not know, so all is not lost.
the difference being, my beliefs are based on the experience of the vast majority of pleco keepers and are consistent with the digestive system of the "common" pleco group.

Vast majority where? My main forum is and this is not a view shared there at all.

Also when was the common pleco even mentioned in this thread apart from by you?

using a goggle search use bog wood and pleco. or a forum search on most fish forums, there are many many posts stating that is preferred if not needed when you keep plecos, and it is very rare to read someone state that it is not. this would seem to say the experiences of these people do not seem to agree with xingumike. agreed, not everyone use, or suggest, you use it as food. but those that do are still a healthy majority. the digestive system/needs of the "common" pleco, i have little knowledge of most other plecos. but as they evolved from the same fish, so they a still broadly the same, though the base/main nutrition source differs from wood, veg through to meat, these fish seem to need it most, is based on high bulk intake with little nutritional value. they have a long digestive tract, this in itself requires large amounts of fibre.

Why post in general pleco threads then when by your own admission you have 'little knowledge'?

How does you little knowledge include understanding the evolution of certain genus let alone the whole family?

i am bothered about the opinions of others, just not in their opinion of me. you've bin about a while, you will know that my opinions and beliefs have changed on some things, as they are proved wrong :crazy: , or as i have gained more knowledge and different information has come up. however hard i argue, i have always been willing to change my stance. you will agree, right or wrong, looking round the web and forums, that bogwood is more often than not stated as a must, when people talk about tanks with plecos in. i can see feeding large amounts of veg to your fish would reduce this "need" for wood. however bog wood passes straight through commons, undigested, which indicates that the fish may not be using it for food, but for some other purposes. now if xingumike would bring some item to my attention that gives his argument/stance more solidity, i may well be forced to change. it may turn out to be academic, making no difference if you do it one way or the other. but if there is a benefit, it would be wrong to say there were not as fish could suffer from the lack. if there is not, apart from my red face, no harm will have been done as bogwood will never cause you fish problems. i have found out that many of the carnivorous plecos do need wood, which is something i have l did not know, so all is not lost.

Not once did i state that bogwood will cause problems, i did also state that i use it in all tanks containing plecs but lets face it you are wrong to say they 'need' it. I notice you have been asking me to provide proof, where is yours other than some vague reference to certain search parameters on Google?

I have asked the question on planetcatfish, the response is here, i could have waited for more responses but i rather wanted to respond sooner to stop you thinking you had actually got something right.

Thanks for looking, your sig says it all
i dont recall saying ALL plecos, as you state on your thread. i think i said the plecos in the common group!! as such you misrepresent my comments. an interesting read, but hardly a torrent of of rejection for my comments, except where you misrepresent my words. and still no scientific information suggesting anything either way. instead of letting what could be a very interesting and informative thread, die or degenerate into an ego trip for anyone. how about we both do some research, and provide reference information backing up our personal views. links related to the digestion and feeding habits of the group of fish known as common plecos and also reference information from reference and scientific books covering the subject. as i am sure you are aware the thoughts from forums, when not backed up by reference material is worth little. instead of trying to make it a battle between myself and you, would it not be better, and more informative, to make the battle between the two opinions?

whatever you decide, i will do the research and post the results and reference to the information i used. whatever the outcome.

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