
umm... more water heh kidding well salt is the result of acid meeting alkeline i think or is it minerals hmm the only things i would use to get rid of the salt would probably be much worse than salt it should disolve over time. im thinking it might be worth getting a marine tank just so i can not worry about the damn salt.
so boil the water with a few vegetables for three weeks on a medium heat leave to simmer add salt and bog wood stir throw in some potatoes ... am i on the cooking page? :lol:
this has gone way off topic, but funny none the less. as long as you are using potatoes be sure to melt some cheese over them. no, do not give your fish cheese it is very fattening as my middle section shows. mmm cheese, mmm beer, etc...
Well my pleco may have been starving so I'll order it up a;
baked potatoe smothered in cheese
Lettuce/zuccini salad
and extra water. :nod:

BTW I have a piece of driftwood that I am going to start treating today...maybe I'll do it for two weeks.
fish status? meh i got a bigger tank to improove my fish status man it seems i just cant shut up about this tank i got should i tell you about a tank i got im trying to add a mention of this tank into every sentance i wanna get tank of the month once i have it set up. gutted it only 9 gallons away from being big enough for oscars am gonna get something else for it.. perhaps a chiclids and a nice big cat. or a shark... hmm and sand ive got sand im going to blame les for the sand it looks lovely ive just rinced off a small tub full and sprinkled some onto the floor... does christmas feel this good to a kid? the hood was more than the tank tho i think i blew this months salery on a tankbah who cares it im gonna make it worth it and take my time on this one. would you lot mind me yabbering on about me makeing this tank up ?
doesnt seem to matter gambler we both of us cant have osars anyways. and after i got that tank esp. for the purpose of getting an oscar for it. wa wa wa ive got the sand and 3 rocks and some water in it im gonna leave the water in there for a week. i like to cycle slowly rather than mess with chemicals. im all excited now and ive got a hangover woo yay
At least your waters in your tank, mines making the grass grow.

Teach me to use plain window glass, well at least I can use it to stick some plants in it.

The woods has been boilt and is soaking, will see what happens.

I've been trying to get some mosquito larvae to feed to my fish - the mossies in this part of the world will have nothing to do with my bucket outside - maybe if i chuck a piece of wood in it. :)
The Wood Saga..

Day 4

Wood has been boiled and soaked in clean water but it still smells of the ocean.

Will let u know wot hppens

I've got three plec's in my 50 gallon( only started with one but have adopted two others) I have never fed them on anything else but flake food but I have got some bog wood in there. What about mail ordering some bog wood for your tank then you wouldn't need to travel or boil it every day without knowing if you are removing all the salt from it. Good luck!!!!
it "wood" be handy i gave up on my peice of drift wood as it floats a bit too much for my likeing. im not shure how long it would take to soak with water but im guessing it might take till christmas before it would sink. wish i lived near a bog now -_-

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