

Fish Gatherer
Jun 1, 2004
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Never had one before ,but purchased one a week ago are they always so lazy,it doesn't seem to move about much?
Put driftwood in last night after reading about it in here,it just jumped on it and not moved,think its in love with it :nod:

Plecos are very shy creatures that have to be given abundant hiding places. Depending on the size and filtration of your tank, you may/should feed it some kind of green food, as all plecos are veggies. Algae is a source of diet, but veggie tabs and lettuce could be put in as well. Feed at night, so the pleco is more comfortable getting the food. If using fresh veggies like lettuce, remove later if not eaten- will mess with Nitrate levels otherwise.

If taken care of, Pleco's can live a long, long, long time and get pretty big.

Good luck with it!

And you have my vote for Danio of the month haha

-Drake the Garbageman
I put lettice in, fat molly was nibbling it :nod: I'll get those veggie tablets tomorrow,still not sure what type of plec it is.

Thanx scuba :thumbs:
What species of Plec did you purchase? There are hundreds of species all with different requirements, the most commonly seen are the Gibbiceps and Common Plecs which can reach sizes of 12-18" when fully grown. However, some smaller species like the Clown Plec are now more available to the average fish keeper.

Bogwood is an essentail part of any Loricariidae tank so it is good to hear you have it. Don't be worried if the fish isn't moving, thats Plecs for you! One of mine I still haven't seen move from its bogwood and I have had it for 6-8 months......every month or so I move the wood to check its still there. They are generally more active at night until they are fully adapted to tank life so it is a good idea to feed the fish before lights out. I feed all my Plecs on a diet of sinking pellets, algae wafers, bloodworms and various vegetable matter.

Plecs also produce alot more waste than other fish expecailly the ones with a mainly vegetable based diet, this often means the filtration needs to be increased to cope with the excess load, but this depends on the stocking of your tank. :)
Sounds like a Gibbiceps Plec than Cat, which means a bigger tank and more filtration. :)

Heres a picture of one I owned

sounds like bad news then ,i was hopping it was a small plec :(
Sorry but it sounds like it isn't. You should be able to take it back and get a replacement or refund if you are unable to house it. A nice cheap alternative would be a Clown Plec, more information; or you could try a species of Bristlenose, my personal favourite is L183 or Starlight Bristlenose. I think there may be a picture of my fish on the link in my signature. :)
Yea but in my experience, Cathy, plecos grow as big as they CAN.

Meaning, in a smaller tank, they won't grow out of proportion.

Can anyone else verify that? Or is it just something that happens to me?

Sorry mate but thats a myth. Its called stunting, the outer body growth is stunted but the inner organs etc grow as normal leading to disaster and an early death. This is what alot of shops are likely to tell you sadly.
Nah, not talking about the shops really. I have a brown pleco that has been healthy and moving for years. And it's only about 5 inches.

Is it different for the leopard that Cat has?
Depends on the species but yes, the one he has definitely will grow large. Some don't grow bigger than 3 inches though most are between 6-12"
as all plecos are veggies - No they arnet.

Cat - can you get us a piccy?

we'll be able to ID it then, and the advice people can give will be a lot better.
ScuabaDuba said:
should feed it some kind of green food, as all plecos are veggies.
.....Except the ones that are omnivorous, like Royals and most ancistrus.
They need meat in their diet and they love their bloodworm!
Our Royal Pleco, BigJif hoovers them up like a dyson!
ScuabaDuba said:
Nah, not talking about the shops really. I have a brown pleco that has been healthy and moving for years. And it's only about 5 inches.

Is it different for the leopard that Cat has?
A Brown Pleco? What is the scientific name or L-Number? Is it a Common Pleco?

From your description it sounds like a Gibbiceps Plec Cat, but if you would like a certain answer as others suggested a picture would be helpful. :)

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