Hi there. My big guy has, what looks to be (and I can only assume that’s what happened) a heater burn. I have relocated the heater and currently have melafix and Pimafix in the tank. He’s living in a 75 gallon tank with two giant danios. He’s the only one with anything like this on him so I am assuming it’s injury based vs something in the tank but I could be wrong. I’ve been medicating for 3 days now but this is getting worse. Does anyone have advice on how to treat this? Tank values are fine and temp is hovering at 22C. I did have a problem with ich a while back but that was resolved after 2 weeks of meds and everyone was happy again but that looked much different than this isolated patch. The ich was a result of having to move. It’s been a while since the move but with all of the issues with the water, I suspect tank is not completely cycled so perhaps that’s still contributing to this not getting better. I don’t want this getting worse but am out of ideas apart from water changes and meds that are already in the tank. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you