Pleco Tank?

im no expert but i would guess you would need a pretty big tank to accomodate them all swimming around the bottom, but im not sure on how terretorial they are as ive only ever kept one at a time
im no expert but i would guess you would need a pretty big tank to accomodate them all swimming around the bottom, but im not sure on how terretorial they are as ive only ever kept one at a time
well, i have a gold nugget plec and a common one in my tank, and suprisingly they get along fine and dont botheer the other fish, thats why i asked here, i might be intrested in starting a pleco tank.
suits me fine, as i only have a 10 gal, saves me taking it back to the shop when he gets too big and swapping him
that reminds me...
my common pleco is like 14" inches now, time to go back to the shop tommorow i think. <sigh>
ps.( i must be sad to sit here at 2 in the morning to chat about plecos)
yeh me too, im quite tired but i dont care, although i have work from 12 until 5 tomorrow, then 3 essays for college when i get in, ahhh being 17 sucks, although im saving for my new tank so i need to work really
yeah, my seventeenth year in this world was pretty bad too.
work at 9 tommorow!
damn, i thought i was on late shifts.
(ive just looked at my diary)
oh well, off to bed
bye all
You can make a pleco tank out of clown pleco they only get to like 3" to 4" long and you can keep 6 or more together :hey:
A plec tank would be kool, but really hard to keep clean as they poo heaps and if you had sand substrate :crazy:
If you want a pleco tank, get a long,wide but low tank with lots of current and overfiltration. With lots of bogwood, warm water, hidingplaces and fine substrate you could create a pleco-heaven for many different species!
a member here, Bunjiweb, has a 6 foot Pleco and Catfish tank :)
Not all pleco, but he does have alot :nod:

I dont see why it wouldnt work, provided it was large enough and they had lots of individual places where they could each hide, they wouldnt need to be terratorial, in that sense.

It'd be hard to clean though :shifty:

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