pleco question please


Fish Crazy
Jul 10, 2005
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Hi, I have a 50gal. with 3 small bala sharks,1 dwarf gourami, 4 tiger barbs, and 5 neon tetras. Its next to a window but we keep the curtain blocking it most of the time. Well now its summer, i was thinking of getting a pleco to help control the algea that has recently started growing. tank been runnin for 3 or 4 months. temp 80 nitrate 50ppm, PH 7.3
ammonia and nitrite zip.I don't want a common pleco cause they get too big. I've read about a few that don't get quite as big but they all cost a lot. I went to the lfs today and they only had common plecs but there are a few that are farther away that im going to try. otherwise we'll order one.I wa just wanting some suggestions as to which species to get. I like zebras but they're too expensive.
I'm thinking about the pretty pleco. I'll have to buy it cause tthey don't have any at the lfs.(i didn't figure they would) do they eat algea? i kiinow there are a few plecos that don't eat algea.
Rubber lip is a good option. doesn't get that big and is a hard core algae eater.
A bristle nose plec would be ideal they stay inder 6 inches and do a great job on algae. They also come in the albino and long finned variety. You may see them advertised as bushynose plecs.

A small group of otocinclus would also eat the algea (get at least 3 as they like to live in groups).

Hope this helps

I have a pit bull plec and they stay small, but not much in the looks department.
Dangerousdan said:
King Tiger plec. Mine eats everything and anything at wont get over 6".....and looks the doggs.
But wont eat algae...
stingray/hong kong plecos? I have one hes supposed to only grow to maybe 5 or more
Sky042 said:
Rubber lip is a good option. doesn't get that big and is a hard core algae eater.

I second that, they are a good little fish.

Not as hardy as a common pleco though, from my experience.
Jephex said:
stingray/hong kong plecos? I have one hes supposed to only grow to maybe 5 or more

its actually not a pleco, commonly called a loach (but its not a loach either)

They prefer cool fast flowing water (eg a well filtered cold water tank)

They will get to 2" max

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