pleco or oto?


New Member
Jul 3, 2004
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Savannah, GA, USA
I'm in need of a new algae eating fish for my livebearer/planted tank. I did have a pleco, but he got too big to hide in my hollow log decoration thing, so I gave him to my mother for her outdoor pond. (LOTS of algae to eat there, and some White Cloud Minnows to keep him company too.)

Since my tank is only 15 gallons, I'm debating ... should I get another pleco, and when it gets too big, move him to the pond? Or should I opt for otos instead?

I *do* use salt in my tank, 1 tablespoon per five gallons water, because my other fish are mollies and platies. So if the salt tolerance is any bearing on recommendations, I'd like to know. If it comes down to it, I'd rather continue using the salt so that I don't lose my mollies to fungus, and choose another algae eating fish that the salt won't bother.

The tank is planted with aponogeton, and I have some riccia in a breeder box with my kids' snails. (two baby snails that are waiting til they're big enough to move to the 2 gallon betta tank) I've also got a pretty good sized chunk of African Driftwood in the tank.

If otos are better for my tank size, how many should I get? I've read that otos do better in groups, but I'm not sure how many I need for my setup.
I have no idea on the salt thing so don't do anyhting before you've found out, but...personally I would go with ottos. You won't have to move them, they won't feel cramped in your tank, and they are soooo cute! If you keep getting plecs you're surely gonna end up with a pond full of them :D Three or four would be fine i think.
3 otos would probably be good for a 15 gallon. Don't worry about your tank size, otos can sqeeze into 2 gallon tanks. I'll see if I can find out anything with the salt and otos.
salt is a BIG no no for plecs... so I'd go with otos :)

If you'd stop the salt, a nice bristlenose would do you nicely (and you wouldn't need to rehome him :) )
Hold on everyone. Just did some checking on the web at a variety of sites, and I don't think Oto's would be suitable for your tank. Firstly, here's a little more about the Oto...

This is just one of the sites I had checked out. All them states that Oto's live in streams/rivers, ie not near any type of salty/brackish water.

I'm not sure what the effect salt would have on these fishes. Perhaps you could seperate these additions in a spare tank, and ease them in slowly to living in salty water?

Hope this helps. Good luck. :D
I don't know, but I just wanted to say HI to the only other person I've seen from Savannah on here :)

What fish store do you go to?
Salt is a no-no for plecos? That's odd, the pleco I did have did fine and dandy with salt in the tank. And salt is a no-no for oto's too?

Well that's just peachy ... my aquarium glass is slimy and getting cloudy. (not the water ... the glass ... when I look real close, it looks spotty.) The mollies and platies can't take care of the algae all by themselves.

Should I just skip an algae eater/bottom-feeder altogether? I do have an algae sponge, so I guess I'll just use that.

Oooh a fellow Savannahian! I go to several stores. Petsmart, Exotic Underworld, and Chatham Pets and Aquariums.
Errr... it appears to have escaped your notice that otos are plecs!

I don't know anything that eats algae and could go in a salted tank because they are generally catfish. Perhaps shrimp?
Exotic Underworld :thumbs: I think we've been there every Friday for the last 2 months since that's when they get their new fish. I try to get all of my stuff there b/c I like supporting the local guy and their expertise is top notch. I haven't been to Chatham Pets & Aquarium, my husband went there once and they weren't very nice to him. I have gotten some stuff at PetSmart, but I try not to b/c like I said, I like my $$$ staying local. Yeah, they're more expensive, but it's worth it to me.

Plus, they're right around the corner and PetSmart's further :p
Cheese Specialist said:
Errr... it appears to have escaped your notice that otos are plecs!
I thought they were two different species! Oops!

Oh well. I don't understand how the common plecostamus I had did fine in salted tank, and now all of a sudden I'm hearing that I can't put them in salted tank.

Maybe I'll get a snail instead, or something. *shrug*

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