Seeing as he's the only fish in the tank I'd do small frequent water changes to get rid of that salt, just use dechlorinated tap water without any other additions, it may be he doesn't like one of the other additives.There is a small amount of Aquarium Salt in the water.
I know the feeling, I tried to take some photos having forgotten to turn on macro mode, took me ages to work out why none of them were in focusI cant get a clear pic of him as my camera does NOT have a Macro setting on it

NitrAte can only be got rid of through water changes, if there are no fish in the tank then you can do a 100% water change without any issues. If there are fish in the tank then you can do several small water changes to bring them down. The only time this doesn't work is if your tap water has high nitrates. However unless you're keeping very fussy fish then most wont mind nitrates below 40ppm and there is research suggesting that anything under 100ppm is perfectly acceptable (though I find it too difficult to tell the difference between anything over 40ppm on the tests I use so I try to keep it under that!). Also having a planted tank should hep bring down the nitrates, especially if they're growing fastthe 10 gall has a very hi Nitrate level and I cant bring it down
I know that my only advice has been frequent small water changes for everything but this is mainly because I fully believe that water is the main issue with most fish problems. Just think how much better you feel when you get a lung full of fresh air