Pleco For Juwel Lido 120.

If its an active plec you are after chances are the bristlenose, being tank bred, will be the most outgoing yes.

but half the fun of plec keeping is spending over 30 quid on a fish you never see ;)

I think I'll get bristlenoses I saw some albino ones too.

So they like vegetables and a little meat. What should I feed them?
They will devour courgette until the cows come home.

can mix it up and try other veg but courgette is a real winner.

2-3 times a week i'd go for, remove any uneaten after 12 hours is what i did.

supplement with the aforementioned pellets and then perhaps a prawn (cooked) every 10 days - 2 weeks.
Ok lets say, well I put a pellet in everyday for my loach, so they'll probably eat some because I also will use them for corys, but then again, if i'm meant to feed these type of fish different stuff, let me know. I'll make a post asking what I should feed my tank.
sorry was there a question in there?

my previous post would be what imho would be an ideal diet for the bns
Never assume that what's good for one good for another. ;) I always try to put foods in my tanks that work for each species in there. I have a tank with corys and L15 Candy Stripe Plecos. According to my research I'm ok with putting anything in the tank, because something will eat it. LOL But, I found out that the plecos like veggies, and the corys are more into pellets and meatier stuff. So...I toss in something for everybody. :)
not going to be a huge problem no, you will see what i mean about the courgette fetish when they get it though!
you'll soon the get the feel of how much or little to put in by how much is left. if getting more than one bn try more than one slice initially to make sure they all get some.

i used one whole courgette every 3 days but was feeding quite a few!
you'll soon the get the feel of how much or little to put in by how much is left. if getting more than one bn try more than one slice initially to make sure they all get some.

i used one whole courgette every 3 days but was feeding quite a few!

Yeah I get the idea about only a certain amount of fish can fit around a piece of food from my gourami and loach.

I bought pellets for my loach and it turns out my Pearl Gourami likes them too, the barbs and tetras won't go to the bottom and eat like her. My Gourami and Loach can just about share the pellet together.

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