Pleco For A 100Litre Tank?


Fish Crazy
Jun 4, 2011
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what sort of pleco should / could i get for this tank ? its 2ft 6 long and 12 inches wide and roughly 18inches tall there currently 10 glowlight tetra in there but they will be removed within a few weeks .
How much do you want to spend?

What temperature is it?

What other fish will it house?
it will only house the pleco so i can change the temprature to suit. and as for budget not really thought about it dont mind paying a higher price for a nice looking pleco
As much as I love them a one pleco tank will be boring as hell.

Budget will really help otherwise can suggest some three figure fish :)

This is rather odd!

You can have whatever you want then, bearing in mind size constraints.

I suggest heading over to planetcatfish and looking at the cat-e-log under L numbers and narrowing the searach to say 6 inch and under.

Personally I'd use some of the cash for a bigger tank and have a colony of Hypans or Peckoltia
I have some albino Bristlenose plecos in my 40g tank :) They are cute as can be and don't get more than 6 inches :)
I'd love to house a colony of Medusa Plecs (L034) in a tropical strong current setup, but they need much softer acidic water than we have on the south coast and are far harder to keep alive than their more hardy BN "cousins."

This is rather odd!

You can have whatever you want then, bearing in mind size constraints.

I suggest heading over to planetcatfish and looking at the cat-e-log under L numbers and narrowing the searach to say 6 inch and under.

Personally I'd use some of the cash for a bigger tank and have a colony of Hypans or Peckoltia

iv got 7 tanks now so iv sort of ran out of room for any more ill check planetcatfish out thanks for the advice :)
There are three species of Gold Nugget and they can all potentially grow to different sizes. Two of them around 7-8 inches and one bigger I think. It is quite hard to replicate their perfect environment though. They like warm waters and almost constant feeding. Mine has only grown very slightly in the last year. I have heard that Discus level temps are the best for them to thrive in :good:
Breeding pair of WILD CAUGHT Zebra Pleco's currently for sale at Pier Aquatics in Wigan. £300 for the pair.

Oh when I went in a fortnight ago, they just had m/f pairs. They must have got it on now :hyper:

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