Pleco Feeding Options/questions


New Member
Aug 5, 2012
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This is my first post! I have a Pleco along with 5 fantail goldfish in a 30ish gallon tank. My friend says I don't have to feed it as long as I don't clean the tank of algae. But when I go online some websites say to feed it little sheets seaweed/plants. So what do I do,feed or don't feed? Please help. Thank you.
just go to your lfs and get algae wafers and feed it a slice of cucumber every sunday or something
Ignore your friend, a common misconception.

As above, buy some wafers from your local store, try courgette (zuchini) instead of cucumber, cut it in half and weigh it down with a fork.

I assume it is a common pleco?

What filtration do you have and what temp is the tank at?
Not sure if its a common my cousin bought it(he has a HUGE tank). I have a trickle filter and a under gravel filter. My friend has a 40ish gallon aquarium. His Pleco was almost a foot long. It died. His tank was VERY dirty (algae, not fish poop) I haven't fed mine in 2 months! :-0 What other plants could I feed it and how often. Do you happen to own a pleco?
I have pics of it but my computer is being stupid and won't let me paste a photo. Darn! :/
I will give you a description instead it's about.4 to 5 inches long including tail fin.
I have pics of it but my computer is being stupid and won't let me paste a photo. Darn! :/
I will give you a description instead it's about.4 to 5 inches long including tail fin.

That is as useful as tits on a bull!

Upload it to photobucket or imageshack
Here's some pics of my pleco and the fish tank. Sorry for the low quality image camera isn't very good.
That's a common pleco. They grow pretty big.
Yes, it looks like a common to me.

Feed it on algae wafers, catfish pellets, slices of apple, blanched lettuce leaves or courgette. You're going to have to think about trying to find a new home for it though, as it's going to get far too big for your tank.

As you have a lot of messy fish, make sure you do plenty of water changes to keep the water in good condition.

xingumike is our resident plec expert, so listen to what he says ;)
lol, I am no expert, a I know a little about a lot.

Both above ID's are spot on, this fish will grow to about 13 inches and create a lot of mess.

It looks to be about 4 inches, given optimal conditions (my gut feeling is the temp of this tank will be on the low side) you can expect it to grow about an inch a month for the next 2-4 months.

You have to decide what you are going to do when it outgrows your tank, due to LFS selling them to anyone and everyone they are tough to get rid of when they get bigger.

If I could change one thing about the trade it would be the banning of these fish for sale, bristlenoses are a far better option for 99% of tanks out there.
I know this has nothing to do about the topic, but is it a male or female? Also how often should I feed it?
I feed my plecs three or four times a week (obviously they eat bits of flake that the other fish miss as well, on the other days, but I 'target' feed them that often).

One evening they get algae wafers, one evening they get catfish pellets and two evenings a week they get fruit or veg; slices of apple, split broccoli stalks, blanched peas or lettuce, melon rinds, courgette, depends on what I have about. I get it to sink by sticking the handle of a stainless steel teaspoon through it.

I don't think there's any reliable way of sexing common plecs.

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