Pleco Eating Sand?


Fish Herder
Apr 8, 2009
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Hey guys. I am just starting to stock my 57 gallon, since it's now cycled. I started with one small bristlenose pleco. The substrate is play sand. I noticed that after him being in there for a while, he became bloated. I haven't fed him since he's been put in. He was put in yesterday. Is it possible that he could be eating the sand? He seems okay otherwise.

Thanks in advance,

What else is in the tank besides sand? And by bloated you mean stomach only, or sort of all over?
plecos will not eat sand, they will however sift through it looking for food. if you are careful enough not to scare him,you will see the sand being passed through his gills.

as for the bloating, what are you feeding him?
Thank you. Just his stomach is a little bloated. I feed him algae discs, and the occasional blanched cucumber.
I am not sure. It is pretty young, so I'm guessing not. It doesn't have any bristles though, it's definitely a bristlenose plec, however. I do think it's a female.

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