Pleco, eaten out of house and home?


Mar 9, 2004
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Walsall, UK
Hi there,

I've got a planted 120L tank with the fish in my sig below. The aquarium lights are on for around 14 hours per day so there is always *some* algae going for grabs. My concern is for my two plecos. I wanted them to have a balanced diet so I got some pleco food pellets that sink to the bottom.

I fed the tetras and while they were feeding I dropped a pleco tab in. The tetras did their usual 2min scoff of all their food then swarmed.... and man do I mean SWARMED the pleco tab sitting on the bottom.... it was gone in 3 mins and the plecos never even got a look in.

What ever I do to give the plecos a balanced diet I fear with be thwarted by my little bloater tetras and zebras.....

Or am I being silly? Is it likely the other fish are going to out compete the plecos for all the food?
the other fish are always gonna go for the plec chips I know my guppies, gouramis and tetras all love 'em so I think the best thing to do is add the chips very last thing at night when the tank lights etc have been off for a while and the other fish are resting. Of course your nocturnal plecs will be out or coming out soon so they will have a better chance of getting a look in on the food you put out for them..
I feed my plecs during the day with the others. I give them algae tablets and I drop them right beside where they are. I also add a couple more around the tank for the others. The plecs always get their fair share!
My plecos love shrimp pellets. They are so funny when I drop the shrimp pellets the other fish had better move out of the way. I have never seen anything like it b4 he goes like a big bull if they are around the shrimp pellets they get knocked out of the way and I mean knocked.The other fish has learned to stay clear of him. I named him batman because of the way he is over his shrimp pellets.

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