Pleco And Upside Down Catfish


New Member
Sep 7, 2011
Reaction score
Northumberland, UK
Hi, I'm currently treating tank with British King Whitespot Control. Are both common Pleco and Upside down catfish scaleless. I'm hearing lots of conflicting advice.

Kind regards
I can't think of a single catfish with scales, off the top of my head. Plecos have bony armour, upside down cats have only skin.
I can't think of a single catfish with scales, off the top of my head. Plecos have bony armour, upside down cats have only skin.
That's what we thought. I was adding half dose of King British Whitespot control but was told off another user with 5 stars that both have scales and should use full dose. Thanks.
I have both of these. yes i would treat with half dse to be safe. cats are sensitive plecos tend to be hardier imo. :blush:
Oh, that was me :blush:

I didn't say synos and plecs were scaled! I just meant they're not very sensitive to ich meds like loaches are, IME...
Oh sorry, must of misunderstood .

Posted Yesterday, 12:12 PM
You don't need to half dose with catfish and plecs; it's only scaleless fish like loaches that you have to be careful of.
Beginner's Resource Centre

Sorry sounded like both had scales. Opps
No, my bad, I should have worded it more carefully! Anyway, use a half dose and see how you get on :good:
Thanks, I've only added full dose once and all looks fine. Spots starting to disappear. Upside down catfish does have a couple of marks due to scratching but had whitespot on a few occasions and all pulled through. :good:
Congratulations on a successful treatment :good: but follow instructions and continue the treatment with that half dosing.
Congratulations on a successful treatment :good: but follow instructions and continue the treatment with that half dosing.
Thanks I intend to do just that. I've been adding half dose every 48hrs since Monday. Only added full dose today due to confusion. All looks fine though. One more half dose on Sunday should do the trick.
Thanks, I've only added full dose once and all looks fine. Spots starting to disappear. Upside down catfish does have a couple of marks due to scratching but had whitespot on a few occasions and all pulled through. :good:
The treatment does not affect the spots, it affects the parasites which are already in the water (which you can't see), so it is very important that you do large water changes in between the treatments (to manually remove as many parasites as possible) and do at least one more treatment after all the spots are gone.

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