

Fish Fanatic
Aug 26, 2006
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I bought a Bristlenosed plec on saturday, he is about 1 inch long in my 40 gal tank. I have not seen him since. we have 2 nice pieces of bogwood that have some nice hiding places plus other plants and ornaments. I wonder if he is hiding, I was wondering if i read correctly that they can go missing for days if not weeks at a time?

Also on a morbid note would he fload to top if he passed. ( dont want to think like this but just for reference)

Thank you for any help.
He is most likely just hiding away somewhere, nothing to worry about. Alot of plcs will seem to dissappear into nowhere but they will pop up sooner or later. At night while your light is off try looking for him, you might have better luck.

Mine disappears for days on end too!! Now he's a lot bigger I can normally spot his tail sticking out from behind a piece of rock or bogwood!! He'll make you jump one day when he's feeling a bit brave and is stuck to the front of the tank! :hey:
I have 4 Gold BN's and it's hard to find them sometimes. They will hide in the strangest places.
My BN does hide a lot, but I often see him cleaning the glass or hanging around on the rocks... If I can't see him tho he's nearly always on his chosen piece of wood.
My Bristlenoses tend to hide underneath the bogwood or amongst the plants at the back of the tank. I've often worried that something has happened to them, then out they'll pop!
My smaller BN is quite sociable but my large one (6 inch) has the ability to completely dissapear! It'll take him as few days to settle in, he'll show up. :good:
Even at 4" my BN would hide and I couldn't find him anywhere. Now that I have a cave for him, he loves it and that's where I usually see him 90% of the time. So at least I know where is now.

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