

Fish Aficionado
Nov 4, 2005
Reaction score
middx heathrow
i was warned about the mess plecs make but i cant belive how bad it really is :crazy: im not exactly sure what kind he is i will post a pic later he is about 8 or 9".when i clean the tank by the next morning its covered again :grr: im so sick of all the crap im giving him away to anyone who wants to pick him up.(obviously you will need a large tank)otherwise he goes back to the lfs if they will take him :/
I may be interested, I live in london too, Im on the process of acuiring a new tank atm will take about 2 weeks or so if you can hold onto it by then ill get it off ya.

If someone else wants it in the meantime feel free to give it to em.

Do you have sand or gravel subtrate in the tank? How many gallons is it?
I have fine white silica sand in my main tank, sorted out the pleco poo issue by simply sticking an extra decent sized filter at the bottom of the tank opposite to the main one. Adjusting decor in the tank so poop won't just get washed into corners and things where the filter current is weak will also help too.
he is in my 40 gal with my 4 baby red bellies.the tank has sand substrate.noone else has asked about him so mertus hes yours in a few weeks if you still want.if not the lfs said they will take him

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