Plec Tank - What Fish With It?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I've made my 48x18x20 plec only tank basically cos my channa are taking over and i had no where else for my plecs and they do not do as well in my larger tank as too much competition for food

They will be the main characters of my tank and I want them to thive as much as they can although there willbe too many plecs for the size tank and I may have to shuffle some round

I have L25, L128,L264, 2 Ancistrus and 3 Royal Whiptail babies, I have a Royal Panaque as well in another tank

My plan was to ensure these fish thrive and don;t have to compete for food but I;d also like some fish in the upper levels. My plan was for a shoal of rummys or cardinals- good idea?

also what would others have in hear as I like hearing peoples sugestions?

cheers Simon
Hi mate i have 1 gibby @ 12" 1 common @ 13" 1 gibby @ 5" male and female bristlenose adults and a L191 dull eyed royal plec @ 5" and they are in my main tank ( apart from little gibby he's in my 4 x 18 x 15 krib tank ) with my 18" clarias and quite a few labidochromis hongi 10" aruis seemani (shark catfish) and 9" giant gold gourami plus a few others i am upgrading very soon to a 8 x 3 x 3 + 4 x 3 x 2 sump as im moving next week so i can finally fit it in a house lol, you will need a masive tank for them soon as im very sure you allready know, i think things like columbian tetras (love these) pristella tetra how about minnows or even stickleback my lfs sells these by the bucket load lol at the end of the day it what fish you prefere mate

i hope this makes sence as ive been drinking lol well it is now my bday the big 30 lol
i think you may struggle with that mix of plecs as far as having them thrive goes, the L25 would thrive on food such as mussels and prawns etc but this would cause problems with the whiptails if they get too much
i think you may struggle with that mix of plecs as far as having them thrive goes, the L25 would thrive on food such as mussels and prawns etc but this would cause problems with the whiptails if they get too much

yeah the royal whiptails are in there to grow on really as the yare so small now they;d be eaten in any other tank

mcmaster its my daughters birthda as well and amashed after her bbq!! :good:

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