Plec Ident & Advice Please !

Have attached the links as I'm not sure if its okay to direct link into posts on sizing rules...
These are both the larger one, which I'm thinking now might be a girl as I couldn't see any protruding stump in the belly shot - unless my eye is even more untrained than I feared !
Ray count and underside markings make it look like a GIbby to me, so good work Fluttermoth. Now...if I can only get my smaller one to come out of their hiding spots for twenty seconds !
The only thing that I'd point out is that sailfin/gibbiceps plecs grow bigger than the common variety. The most common of the commons like Pterygoplichthys pardalis, will grow around 35cm max( 13"-14"), so they are not the monsters one would think when reading about them needed ponds. The tail of some of them will make a lot of their adult lenght and they are quite flexible and don't have the habbit of swimming from back to front 
They'd like a taller and longer tank more likely as they still suck on the glass even at that size if they'd fit.
Gibbiceps will grow to 18", and most people buy them instead of commons due to the nicer markings.
I have a common pleco around 2 years old that is looking more and more like pardalis, and he's now no more than 8" from head to tail. Besides when he was a baby, he was kept in a large tank for that period of time too. So not all grow as fast either. They are long lived fish too.
Mine is just about starting to like me a lot and comes to me from time to time. He likes staring at me too. If I sit next to the tank, he comes and lies right in front of me.
But that tank is impossible to hold even one of these plecs, so best is to rehome them.

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