Plec Id Required Please


Jan 2, 2008
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I was in my lfs today and after wanting some common plecs for a while now i decided to get a few :) .
The owner told me that they are the species that only grow to 5-6" long. I wanted 3 but there was 4 in the tank and i couldnt leave just 1 on his own so came home with 4 of them all about 2.5-3" long.

When i got home i noticed that 3 of them are like the one in the picture with spots all other them and quite dark but the 4th one is a much lighter brown with no spots at all, hes hideing away at the mo so i will get a pic of him when i can.

Firstly i want to make sure they arent the larger species and secondly if anyone has an idea if they are all the same species or if i have 2 types ????

can you get anymore photos?

im stumped from that one, even assigning a genus
3 of them are like this one


and heres what seems the odd one out ??? (sorry about the bad pic)

ok thats a bit better, first is Ancistrus possibly Ancistrus sp. `rio_ucayali`

second one again will probably need a better photo if poss, although the head does appear to be a different shape.

many thanks, ill get some better photos when he/she decided to stop hideing

searching the web some sites say they will not breed in home tanks others say they will???

looks like the size is right though upto about 5"
They look like our L183/L182's when stressed...
Peppermint Bristle noses (seems to be becoming the "common name")

It sounds like you've got 3 of them and a common bristle nose.

How much were they? if they were all sold as common bristlenoses you may well have to a bargain on the 3 ;)

I've found this piccy of one of ours when it was a bit stressed - does it help?

They look like our L183/L182's when stressed...
Peppermint Bristle noses (seems to be becoming the "common name")

It sounds like you've got 3 of them and a common bristle nose.

How much were they? if they were all sold as common bristlenoses you may well have to a bargain on the 3 ;)

They were all sold as common plecs and were £20 for the 4, and yes your pic is the same as the 3 of mine
They look like our L183/L182's when stressed...
Peppermint Bristle noses (seems to be becoming the "common name")

It sounds like you've got 3 of them and a common bristle nose.

How much were they? if they were all sold as common bristlenoses you may well have to a bargain on the 3 ;)

They were all sold as common plecs and were £20 for the 4

hopefully you have got a great deal then :)

I've added a piccy above ;)
what sort of price are these ones normally then?
do they still only grow to around 5"??
can they be bread at home easily?
well.. I've seen £40 for an adult male...

We had 2 breeding pairs - I was selling the "fry" at about 1.5" for £10

They are tougher to breed than normal common BN's but its not as hard as other species.
I've sold mine to make room for zebras :)
If you need any tips on breeding - have a word with Dane261 or Bahney on here - they have both spawned my old pairs :)

[edit] (actually Bahney might not be on here i get confused...)
i have managed to get a close up look at the 4th one, it looks identical in its body the only differences i can tell are its slightly lighter in colour, doesnt have as many spots on it and only has a few bristles unlike the other 3

im fairly new to tropical fish so arent going to try and breed them, something i would love to do in the future when i have gained more knowledge

heres some clearer pics of the odd one on its own and then with one of the others


thanks for the help smithrc, they are wicked plecs whatever breed they are :fish:

oh and by the way im sooo jealous of your plecs after looking through them all :kewlpics:
Does any one know at what age the male L183, Starlight Bristlenose plec starts to grow the soft tentacles on its head, none of mine show any signs of this so im kinda guessing they may be all females ????
Does any one know at what age the male L183, Starlight Bristlenose plec starts to grow the soft tentacles on its head, none of mine show any signs of this so im kinda guessing they may be all females ????

anything bigger than 2" and you should be able to easily sex them :)

Do you need a male then? :) :)

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