Plec, Help!!


New Member
Sep 17, 2004
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Hello, this is my first post so please bear with me!!

I have a new Speckled SailFin Plec (1-2 weeks) that is quite mature. When I got him he was a darkish brown colour but now he has gone very light. The transformation has taken maybe 3 days, does this sound worrying? He looks very healthy and is always prowling around the tank. He's already at 7 and a half inches.

Any answer would be appreciated.

PS the site looks very good and helpful.

Welcome to TFF!!! :kana:

I am not sure about sailfin plecs in particular but I know that a lot of plecs can change colour depending on their mood....I can be watching my bristlenose plec for a bit then come back 5 minutes later and he looks like a totally different fish...He also changes colour depending how badly the other fish are annoying him!!

As long as your plec is acting nmormally then I wouldn't be too concerned...

What other fish do you have?
Hello, thanks for the reply. Thats sounds about right, he was in a smaller tank for a while with a friends relative then he came to me, he seems very happy with his new surroundings!!

I only have 4 guppies at the moment as the tank has just matured!

I plan on getting more soon.

hi and wellcome

i have a red spot pleco that does the same thing..iv sat and watched him and he does it just befor 9pm (thats when i turn the tank lights off) and when i turn the lights on . they like the darks so i think my boy just gets sick of the light and goes lighter

it also could be from stress but if hes still acting normal he should be ok...sit and watch him and see if there is anything that could be bothering him when he goes lighter
Yeah my emperor plec does this too.. He "lightens up" when i pop some pellets in for him :D
The rule of thumb is that a dark or dull fish is an unhappy or stressed fish. This is not always true, but does seem to apply in most cases.

Congratulations on making your plec happy.

Here's a couple of pictures of Archie. The first picture is when we first got him home....

Then later after his first meal...

Yes! It's the same fish!
Wow, SirMinion that is as dramatic a change as my plec. Good to know that its all ok. At first I thought it was cause he was stressed or something. Anyway cheer's for the good replies.

my plec changes colour when he is out in the tank and i put the lights on he is a bristle nose ansistrus plec and he is very shy he doesnt even come out for a wafer of algie.
i am shure there is nothing to wory about.

I haven't noticed my sailfin doing fair!!!

it could also be because of the darkness of the surface it's on.
i noticed with my pleco that he changes to blend in with his suroundings. when he is in a cave, he is very dark and barly can see him, except for his tail which never changes colors. but when he is out on the sand or other areas, he is very light colored.

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