Plec And Cherry Shrimp


Fish Fanatic
Jul 28, 2008
Reaction score
Redcar UK

i have bought a 120lt tank for my cherry shrimp to live in and breed and live happy. The seller included several fish which i have sold on, however this is a common plec about 8" long. I'm not keen to sell him, but would he be ok to live in the tank with the shrimp, or more to the point will the shrimp be safe from him?

its not a case of things being "safe" with him, a 120 litre tank is not big enough for a plec. They can grow upto 2 feet in length given the right conditions.

I know you don't want to get rid of your fish, but for its own sake, you should.
If you were after a plec the Bristlenose is a small plec and would be ok in a 120 litre
alreadfy have bristlenoses in the other tank,,,,,,,,just this plec is a fine example
I know it's hard, especially when it's a perfect specimen, but I can see you care about the fish and not just "I want to keep him so my wants come before his needs". It's nice to see (I'll be honest, I was expecting the worst). Maybe see if someone on here can take him of your hands. Then at least you know he'll be going to a good home to be well looked after.

Unless, of course, you can get a bigger tank in somewhere? :D
i have a 180 lt tank, but dont want him in there, as he came with the 120lts tank its his home, but i do agree he needs a bigger home then i can provide. He's going to a better home

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