Plec Advice For A 240 Litre Planted Community


Mar 29, 2007
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Abingdon, Oxfordshire.
I'm looking at stocking a plec or two for my Juwel Rio 240 (4ft tank).

It is nicely planted and I'd like it to stay that way! A plec which is able to do some algae eating would be a distinct advantage but not necessarily essential.

It currently contains Zebra Danio, Swordtails and Black Phantom Tetra. I'm planning on adding 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, some Odessa Barbs and a shoal of Congo Tetra.

I have plenty of bogwood and hiding places in the tank and have even siliconed some slate to make a cave.

I acquired a female bristlenose catfish for this tank from a fellow forum member but she is doing a good job of algae control and seems happy in my 20 gallon tank so she will probably stay there.

I had planned to try and acquire a fully grown male to accompany her in my big tank but am now rethinking.

My question is - which plec would suit my setup? I could get a group of 3 small bristlenose and wait for a pair to form or I am also quite taken with pitbull plecs - do they do a good job of algae control and would three be a suitable number? How much would I be likely to see the plecs in a setup with plenty of hiding spots?

If anyone has any other suggestions of appropriate plecs I'd be very interested. I saw a golden nugget plec, which looked stunning, in my LFS but apparently they prefer softer water. My water is pretty hard with a pH of 7.8.

Any advice very welcome.
why not try a bn they are safe around plants i have a gold nugget in one of my tanks ant the ph is 7.6 to 7.8

cheers dane
you have lots of room for smaller plecs in there :)

Our lounge tank is the rio 240 and we have 1x L024 (at about 5") 4x L400 (at about 3"), an L075 (at 6") and a ranger plec at about 6".
We never have any problems (until the 075 tries to eat the same food as the L024)

If you interested we have an adult male that might be available if you wanted - then add a cave and wait to see if they breed :)
HOWEVER bn's do like eating soft leaved plants...
I probably will go with bristlenose plecs in there, I'd like to get a pair. Am I best to buy three juveniles and wait for a pair to form and return the third to the LFS?
Hi Russell, I've read a few of your threads on here and might be interested in a plec or two from you if you have any good suggestions. I am often over MK way so could probably collect. Would the BNs be likely to be nice to a bunch of sowrd plants, vallis and crypts? I'm slowly phasing out my stems as the tank matures.
why not try a bn they are safe around plants i have a gold nugget in one of my tanks ant the ph is 7.6 to 7.8

cheers dane

I agree with the Dane Master, every now and then you will hear someone complaining that their BN is munching the plants, but they would have to have absolutely have no other food source includng algae for this to happen in my experience, i have what i think is a very nice planted 330 litre set-up and about 6 weeks ago i put x6 BN babies in there, thats how confident i am they wont **** up my plants

I have kept BN for over 12 months in planted and non planted tanks
cheers for the reassurance. I think I'll take the plunge on a pair of bristlenoses. I was never really too keen on them when I've seen photos online etc but since I've inherited this mature female BN they've really grown on me, she does a great job of cleaning the algae and has left the plants alone so far and she is an attractive little thing too.
i think russel (smithrc) has a male for sale and i can safely say his fish are in tip top condition and cheap
so bag your self that male and a cave and theyll make some sweat love

cheers dnae
there are loads in the ancistrus dont believe in cross breeding tbh f^cks up the genes you have a common sp3 female so i would go for a male to suit you can get albino form and they have known to breed with the common brown

but your tank size you can have a few of differant types

cheers dane

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