I'm looking at stocking a plec or two for my Juwel Rio 240 (4ft tank).
It is nicely planted and I'd like it to stay that way! A plec which is able to do some algae eating would be a distinct advantage but not necessarily essential.
It currently contains Zebra Danio, Swordtails and Black Phantom Tetra. I'm planning on adding 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, some Odessa Barbs and a shoal of Congo Tetra.
I have plenty of bogwood and hiding places in the tank and have even siliconed some slate to make a cave.
I acquired a female bristlenose catfish for this tank from a fellow forum member but she is doing a good job of algae control and seems happy in my 20 gallon tank so she will probably stay there.
I had planned to try and acquire a fully grown male to accompany her in my big tank but am now rethinking.
My question is - which plec would suit my setup? I could get a group of 3 small bristlenose and wait for a pair to form or I am also quite taken with pitbull plecs - do they do a good job of algae control and would three be a suitable number? How much would I be likely to see the plecs in a setup with plenty of hiding spots?
If anyone has any other suggestions of appropriate plecs I'd be very interested. I saw a golden nugget plec, which looked stunning, in my LFS but apparently they prefer softer water. My water is pretty hard with a pH of 7.8.
Any advice very welcome.
It is nicely planted and I'd like it to stay that way! A plec which is able to do some algae eating would be a distinct advantage but not necessarily essential.
It currently contains Zebra Danio, Swordtails and Black Phantom Tetra. I'm planning on adding 3 Siamese Algae Eaters, some Odessa Barbs and a shoal of Congo Tetra.
I have plenty of bogwood and hiding places in the tank and have even siliconed some slate to make a cave.
I acquired a female bristlenose catfish for this tank from a fellow forum member but she is doing a good job of algae control and seems happy in my 20 gallon tank so she will probably stay there.
I had planned to try and acquire a fully grown male to accompany her in my big tank but am now rethinking.
My question is - which plec would suit my setup? I could get a group of 3 small bristlenose and wait for a pair to form or I am also quite taken with pitbull plecs - do they do a good job of algae control and would three be a suitable number? How much would I be likely to see the plecs in a setup with plenty of hiding spots?
If anyone has any other suggestions of appropriate plecs I'd be very interested. I saw a golden nugget plec, which looked stunning, in my LFS but apparently they prefer softer water. My water is pretty hard with a pH of 7.8.
Any advice very welcome.