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Do you wash your hands after touching your tank water

  • No never

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sometimes if i can be bothered

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  • Yes always

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Apr 10, 2012
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A member from my other topic relted to this thought it would be intresting to see how many of us actually wash our hands after having them in the tank water.
I never wash my hands after going into my tanks. It probibly isn't recomended, but I'm prepaired to drink from my tanks if not treatment has been used it them for over a month :fun: Mebe I'm just wered :lol:

I've had a stomach full of tank water before with no ill effects so a bit of tankwater on my hands is no real issue to me lol!!
I always wash my hands after putting them in my tank. Even more so after putting them in my SW tank :nod:
Thought it would be best to post this as some maybe intrested to know this..

Originally posted on my other topic by, Bignose....

5teady, yes, you really should be washing your hands. The chances are low, but not zero. The tuberculosis bacteria is zoonotic (ha! I've been waiting to use that word since I learned what it meant -- "Zoonotic diseases are diseases caused by infectious agents that can be transmitted between (or are shared by) animals and humans.") though the TB bacteria that infects human usually only causes a mild reaction to humans. There is a chance there is salmonella bacteria in the water, though again that it rare. Here is an article of possible things that could be in the tank that are dangerous:

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

see also

<a href="" target="_blank"></a> Transmitted to Humans.html

But, again, I stress that these things are exceptionally, exceptionally rare.

On the great scheme of things to be worried about in life, you are much, much more likely to be killed by getting hit by a bus crossing the street than a disease from your fish tank. I don't expend much worry about fish disease getting me at all.

It's just a good idea not to be dumb about these kind of things, and just take 12 extra seconds to wash your hands after you are done. If your immune system should ever be compromised, like if you needed chemotherapy for cancer, or if you contracted AIDS or if you needed to be extra careful like if you ever got pregnant, then getting some large gloves or getting someone else to do the work is probably a good idea. But, really, for the large majority of us, there is nothing to worry about.
I too have drunk some of my tank water to prove a point. Not much about half a mugs worth.

I'm still here...........

As for cleaning my hands after i don't even think about it. BUT.. With all the diseases out there its not a bad idea!!
I try not to drink my tank water. I prefer water from the tap. Maybe it's just me?? :lol:
i still say no, i got my hands in the tank too often, i'll take my chances, but yes its an interesting read, there's also been debates on other forums i have seen about the need to wash your hands BEFORE putting them in the tank, lol, seriously
I've had a stomach full of tank water before with no ill effects so a bit of tankwater on my hands is no real issue to me lol!!

I must get through a fair bit of tank water myself, all the syphoning at water changes
I always wash my hands after my SW tank... and most of the time after FW.
I always wash mine but it's not necessarily because I worry about picking up something from my tanks. It's just a force of habit I guess. I also always wash my hands BEFORE putting them in the tank.
I cant be bothered, I am anti germophobic, I despise "germophobs"

I ate duckweed once too as I read they eat it in other countries, not much of a taste. Back in the day breeders would toot about how clean their water is by drinking a glass.

What doesnt kill you makes you stronger.

Never have washed them before or after, never will.


Edit- I do wear gloves when dealing with my reef tank but thats more to just avoid allergies.
Im not sure fishtank water will make you stronger :lol:
No but drinking enough of it via starting a syphon you'll feel like your at a frat party :lol:


EDIT- Id like to add this: Note: "But, again, I stress that these things are exceptionally, exceptionally rare." (from BN post)

Do a google search for the reported number of cases in humans affected by this and then try and find how many died!!! I understand there are risks but I really think your more likely to get hit by a bus.
What doesnt kill you makes you stronger.

Edit- I do wear gloves when dealing with my reef tank but thats more to just avoid allergies.

What about brain injury?

I do wash my after sticking them in the tank, but usually if I'm just eating, food prep or something that requires clean.

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