Fish Crazy
I bought two "ghost" shrimp from my local pet shop about 5 days ago to live with my ADFs. One is twice as big as the other. I took some pictures today for a different post and now I'm worried that the bigger one is not actually a ghost shrimp.
The pinned Ghost shrimp info sheet on this site says "They are completely clear, so you can watch their food digest. The only pigment they posess is in two places, their eyes, and the yellow spot on their tail."
This shrimp has red bands on its front arms and antanae as well as red circles on it's tail:
Is it a ghost shrimp or something else?
oh, and even though it is a blurry pic, you might be able to see that the lower/right front limb splits so that there is a little pincer
The pinned Ghost shrimp info sheet on this site says "They are completely clear, so you can watch their food digest. The only pigment they posess is in two places, their eyes, and the yellow spot on their tail."
This shrimp has red bands on its front arms and antanae as well as red circles on it's tail:
Is it a ghost shrimp or something else?
oh, and even though it is a blurry pic, you might be able to see that the lower/right front limb splits so that there is a little pincer