Please read, white spot on clown loaches.


Fish Crazy
Dec 2, 2004
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I know this should be posted in emergencys but dont worry ive posted a similar thing there, im posting here aswel so i can get more responses and quicker. My 3 clown loaches all have white spots covering their whole bodies. As of yet it hasnt affected feading or behaviour so what should i do?

Thanx for ur help..
Also, just been looking at my other aquariums and my cardinal tetras are developing it aswel. Please can someone give me some advice as it would appear that there is an outbreak in buth my stocked tanks.
My water parameters in the clown loach tank are:

Nitrite - 0 YAY
Ammonia - 2.4 mg/l YAY
Nitrate - 7 mg/l YAY

In the aquarium they cardinals are in the parameters are:

Nitrite - 0 YAY
Ammonia - 2.2 mg/l
Nitrate - 10 mg/l

My parameters are all good so....What cud be the reason and what shoudl be done?
You have ich.
I cant keep clown loaches, everyone I have ever boght has died from ich.
I had 3 clown loaches, they died from ICH aswell.

Best thing you can do is quarentine them in a bowl or something and do daily water changes.

You dont want to keep them in the tank as they will become host fish for the parasite and all your other fish will end up with it.

Next do lots of water changes on your main tank. One a day is enough to get rid of any free-swimming parasites. Also, raise the temperature of the tank to around 82Degrees Fahrenheit.

If you dont act fast your fish will quickly get ICH.

Hey I would differ slighly, there is no point moving them, the tank is already infected with ich and it will only stress them further.

You should gradually increase the temp to about 28C and treat with a white spot cure like King British WS3, the dose should be half to 2/3 of that stated because clowns do not have scales like most other fish and so the medicine can get into their system more easily.

I am currently having an out break with ich. The other fish did get a bit but they are much more resilient and most have fgot rifd of it, however the clowns still have it (two in paticular). Some times ich lingers for a while because the medicine has to get it when it is free swimming in the water/gravel. Increasing the temp to about 28c drastically speeds up the life cycle of ich from weeks to a couple of days.

That is your best bet. Clowns are prpbably the most susceptible fish to ich in the hoobby.
In an established aquarium your ammonia levels should be 0, as ammonia is very toxic even at low levels. This may have something to do with your disease problems, as this will stress the fish making them more susceptable to opportunistic organisms such as ich.

all three clowns are dead :(
cardinals seem to be ok
one red ram which had ich is also ok now

thanks for all ur advice guys, it saved sum of the fish jst unfortunately not the clowns. thanx anyways

We notice as soon as one of our fish gets a white spot... just 1 or 2 indicates a problem, at which point we treat the tank (with esHa white spot treatment) and normally the next day its gone!

We have 4 clowns and have only had white spot once... treated and it went away.

And as someone has already said - your ammonia and nitrites should be 0.

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