Please HELP!!

This is advice but none the less. 85 degrees, hmm... Make it 76-81 degrees... My advice is to place the female in the sick tank. Her life is more valueable then his, imo, because of the babies, but yet they're still living creatures. Work on her but don't feed her as much as you have, give her and him and your tank a prayer. ( no jokiing ) :/ I hope they both make it...
I took your advise, I watched them all night, they seemed to be fine. Now this morning the female was romping aroung the large tank again, she ate a little, 'even though she would have eaten a horse. HAHAHa. The male seems to have his fins under control, in the hospitol tank, but I don't know how he'll be in the main tank!!! Do you think it could a case of swim blatter? My fry's ich is getting much better!! They only have 1 or 2 spots as copmpared to like 10. So everythings going OK, for now.
Ok Ron keep it going, i dunno if your using meds or just salt and temp to cure the ICH but continue it for a further 10 days after the last spot has gone.

I rememeber when i had my first case of ICH in my goldie tank, i thought they were all gonna die, coz they just sat on the gravel and din't move or eat for 3 to 4 days, plastered with white spots.

But i added 1 teaspoon of salt per gallon every 12hours for 3 days in a row, along with temp rise of 80 F and an Anti-ICH med along with an airstone running.

It took them 2 weeks to get better, it got really bad my blue fantail TIGER had Ich so bad that she end up with Stumps as Fins (bless her) i then addd melafix then to heal her up and she pulled through and now lives happily with the others, most of her fins have regained the full growth, her tail is still a little short but it's getting there.

Just hang in there RON.
I am. I just have the salt and warm water, I'm afraid to put meds in with the little fellas. My male keeps shimmying all around the hospital. His not swimming normaly. AS for teh female, back to normal, I gave her some live brine shrimp and she went nuts. I'm thinking about separating my big male fancy guppy because he bullies around my male molly and the little male guppy. I'll just sue him for breeding then. What amount of water should I put him in, would a 1 gallon work for just him, or do I need another 5 gallon? Thanks
I'm just a beginner here but your situation sounds remarkably like mine. My mollies have died off one at a time. I have one left, my male. He seemed to be doing ok and I attributed the girl's deaths to birth since they had both recently had a batch but now he is beginning to do the same thing as the others. He sits in the same place, is beginning to lose his appetite and, if he follows the other two, he will begin to go vertical. It just gets worse from there.

I know you've said your water is good so I don't know why its happening to you but my Nitrites are out of control. The tank is fairly new and although I have the ammonia out of the tank the Nitrites just don't want to leave. I had 37 molly babies (in their own tank) however, I used some of the main tank water for them and within a week or so, all died except one very strong little guy who is now in a breeding net in the main tank.

I also got a case of Ick from all my water problems and treated the tank. All of the spots are gone and the tank, I hope, is slowly stabilizing but I still think the molly may not make it.

I think that a big problem may be brewing for you and the Mollies are your first indicator. They seem to be weaker than many other fish. Or at least more particular.

Good Luck. Hope you can save everyone.

(Woops, sorry, didn't read the second page of this post Ron, sounds like your fish are doing better. Anyway, good luck.)
I wouldn't say they're better, they have their ups and downs. My last two fry out of 23 are being very stong through all this. I think that only one is going to make it though. Yes my tank is very well stableized. For the first month and a have my turtles and 14 feeder guppies cycled the water, along with my pre-cultered biowheels. Everything is perfect. I do 10% water changes everyday. I have 2 filters that when together filter 200 gallons an hour in my 40 gallon tank. I have 2 painted turtles. (The reason I'm breeding so some of the fry can be a meal, but I've gotton hooked, so only the weak or deformed fry are going to be a meal. I've gotton attached to everone one of my 2 fry, LOL, but seriously, I do love my molly fry because thier my favorite fish in teh world's babies!!!!, My female molly cleverly named, 'Molly'), okay, I have 2 painters, 2 mollies, and 4 fancy guppies usually in there. They get along fine. My turtles were discouaged about 'bigger' fish with my feeder guppies so they don't even try to go after my good fish anymore. So I don't know whats causing all this rucus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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