Your best course of action, I think would be..... hmm, what temp are their tanks at? You don't want to raise the temp as that will encourage the disease to progress.
I've read also that aeration helps the process - but if they're in jars you might not be able to do that.
Here's what I would do if I were in your situation right now.
Are they still eating? If so, give a few fish stores around there a call and see if they have medicated food - that might be your best hope. Tell them you need food that contains oxytetracycline. It's very possible they might have it.
If they're not eating anymore - since it's a bacterial infection, ask the store what they'd recommend for treating a bacterial infection. Hopefully they'll have something on hand.
I suppose in the worst case scenario, you could give your anti-internal bacteria meds a shot, but try the other things listed here first.
Good luck.