
Fish Addict
Apr 5, 2004
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hiya all i need some help very fast indeed last nite b4 i went to bed i looked at all me new CT female there were fine this morning i woke up and 3 were dead :( and 4 more are looking in bad shape i havent a clue whats going on and it happend so soon.
patches of there bodys are very very pale and they do not look happy ive added some salt and anti fungus and fin rot but it seems to have got worse anyone know what i can do?
please ancer asap im scared they mite die
no signes of anything on their bodies?
whata bout the temp,is it noraml?
have you seen any aggression?
how long have you had them?
yeah they have patches of pale scales big patches
only had them 2 days, temp is fine no agression what so ever
it sounds like a mixtue of the stress of coming to a new home and mabe the water...even thought you say its fine thats what it sounds like.when did you last test it?Hmmm not sure about those scales,were they sticking out?
no there not sticking out, they just have patches of pale and sort of white stuff but dont fink its cotton wool as its not big. one of then has no use of a petral fin with white pussy stuff at the bass near her body.
i tested the water the day i got em
sounds like fungus..i didnt think it could happen that fast though...mabe a parasite?!
I would check with the petshop or whoever sold them to you. It's not uncommon ( in the US ) , to buy fish that arrived at the LFS allmost dead, then passed on to an unsuspecting customer. Look at his other betta females , if they're all dying , pass the problem back to him.
My cent and a half.
Kinda Fishey said:
I would check with the petshop or whoever sold them to you. It's not uncommon ( in the US ) , to buy fish that arrived at the LFS allmost dead, then passed on to an unsuspecting customer. Look at his other betta females , if they're all dying , pass the problem back to him.
My cent and a half.
hmmm were they like that when you got them?
Is this stuff appearing around their mouths, heads and gills?
I wonder if it's columnaris....
I just this morning while I was researching what might be wrong with your girls, think I figured out that's what my little Millie has. She has some lighter colored patches on her head that spread REALLY, REALLY fast.

Do they look like they might be sort of a little patch of mold and then spread fast? Leaving sort of a little crevace in their skin?
First off, what size is their tank?
How many do you have left?
I'm thinking it might just be best for you to treat the whole works.

Is their tank cycled?

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