Please help

Semper fi,
Well it starts out looking like ick, then it seems to kind of turn into a blister, then into a really bad sore (almost like she was being attack by other fish) that gets bigger, then it starts to really eat throught them. On the last fish I didn't put her out of her missery because I wante to see what happened and what ever it is eats through them untill it kills them ('till it starts to eat through thier insides)
i am not that familiar with it but i think that you could have fish TB. ulcers, lethargy, deterioration, are all signs of TB. you do have to be careful no to handle the fish or water barehanded, it is communicable to humans. here is a link to what the TB looks like. compare it and let me know. if it is, the only thing is to put the fish down.


semper fi
Thats is kind of what it looks like but not as bad. The sores on the body are more of a pink but at the end of the tail where it has been rotting away that is where it gets really red.
It sounds to me like an ulcer. It will keep eating away at the fish until it kills it. There is a medicine that you can get for fish ulcers. It takes almost a week and a half to get the skin back to a good color and then the fish will have to help heal itself and you can add the conditioner and aquarium salt.

Good luck.
Do you know what the medication is called. I think I have finally got it under control, I have two males that are still alive. They are healthy and living with my goldfish. I also have on more female thats is still alive but I don't know if she is sick or not so she is all by her self. I went from eleven guppies to three guppies in a week and a half. :(

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