Please Help!


Fish Fanatic
Mar 1, 2010
Reaction score
hi, my betta is a blue male and in the last few hours he has recently gotten a really swollen belly. i am not too sure on the water stats. he is still eating but not really swimming about much. the tank is a 15L with a filter and the temp is currently at about 63F. please help i don't want him to die and i want to know if there is something i can do to help him. his belly seems to be getting #28### every time i look and he has no other obvious marks or anything on him. he hasnt lost color i am just wondering about the fact he has a swollen belly. also i have fed him on live bloodworms.
any advice would be grateful!!
ps. my other male has an ever so slightly larger belly aswell.
If you are saying you keep them at 63 degrees farenheit, that is 15 degrees below what they should be kept at. The swelling could be constapation or the first signs of dropsy. I don't know how much bloodworms you are feeding them, so I can't really say. Get bthem warmed up s l o w l y so you don't syress them more and we'll go from there.
I think you need to research your fish and learn what they need, you said in another post you had done lots of research, but that obviously didnt include what temperature they like, have you got heater, then the nob at the top TURN IT UP, as for breeding them for selling i dont think you should even consider selling any fish.
Bloodworm shouldn't be overfed, as bloating can occurr which is possibly what you have. If you've only just fed him, this is probably what it is. Don't feed him for a day or two, then if still swollen, cook and deshell a few peas, break them into betta size bites that he can manage, and feed him that. Peas help reduce bloating.

You definitely need to raise the temperature. They should be at 26-28 degrees celcius.

I'm not trying to have a go here but I thought you said you thoroughly researched keeping and breeding these fish? That you knew what you were doing and had read a lot about the whole thing .

Surely you should know the basics such as what temperature to keep them? Most of this infomation can be found in a couple of minutes on google if nothing else. :blink:
Bloodworm shouldn't be overfed, as bloating can occurr which is possibly what you have. If you've only just fed him, this is probably what it is. Don't feed him for a day or two, then if still swollen, cook and deshell a few peas, break them into betta size bites that he can manage, and feed him that. Peas help reduce bloating.

You definitely need to raise the temperature. They should be at 26-28 degrees celcius.

I'm not trying to have a go here but I thought you said you thoroughly researched keeping and breeding these fish? That you knew what you were doing and had read a lot about the whole thing .

Surely you should know the basics such as what temperature to keep them? Most of this infomation can be found in a couple of minutes on google if nothing else. :blink:
i have researched BREEDING them! but anyway thanks for the advice i think i may have overfed them. it is the first time i have used bloodworms so you know.
the reason i havnt got a heater on at the moment is because it broke this morning and i havnt been able to get a new one yet. do you have any suggestions on warming up the water?? yes i did research but more focused on the breeding part. dont have a go at me as i know i should have researched more!!!
thanks, englishbettas
In the first topic you made about your fry you said the tank was at 80 degrees :blink:

Can't see water in a tank, in a house cooling down that fast in one day..
It would seeing as the heater broke. In which case get a heater asap from the nearest pet store or LFS.

There's no point adding warm water to the tank - if you were thinking of trying this - as it will only cool down pretty quickly , and the constant swings of temperature will only make the betta's health worse. Get a 25-50 watt heater tomorrow, ASAP, add to the tank and raise the temperature gradually to 27 degrees Celsius over the course of a couple of hours so as not to shock him.

By your username and style of posting I am presuming you are in the UK, and it's still very cold at night now so getting a heater as soon as you can is vital.

As I said in my last post I am NOT "having a go" at you, I simply can't fathom why you would supposedly research breeding a fish and trying it, if you don't even know how to keep them alive and healthy in a basic tank. Jumping into the deep end's one thing, leaping into the atlantic is quite another.

Don't be defensive about every little thing, understand that your posts are extremely contradictory and the story keeps changing, plus a lot of the questions you ask are things you would know had you honestly researched as much as you say you have. Many of the questions are very basic information that can be found in a few minutes, the fact you had to ask at all suggests in general that you can't have researched as well as you say or think you have.

That's fair enough and we all make mistakes. People aren't having a go at you, we are simply concerned and puzzled as to why you don't seem to know quite basic things, yet in the next breath say you have done tons of research. That's all.
actually before i post a topic on here i always see if i can research the answer somewhere else first and if i cant then i post on here. i don't take everything to heart! and from my point of view i don't see how i am contradicting my self in the first place!! please don't comment on my posts if you arnt going to answer the question!
Since you are not a moderator you cannot control who does and does not post or comment in your threads, so there's little point in keeping on saying it. And I DID answer your question.

You DO appear to take things to heart. The minute anyone questions your method ( with good reason ) you start screaming for people to stop "attacking" you . Despite the fact that nobody is. You're seeing "attacks that do not exist .

Finding the basics for keeping a betta alive is exceedingly easy information to find. You could have asked on here or indeed another forum before you started keeping or breeding them. There are any number of reasonable websites with such information, all quickly available on google in less than 10 mins , yet despite all this supposed research you haven't found a single one?

No offense but I find that rather hard to believe.

I found this in under 5 mins for example CLICK ME
oh its really hard finding advice on bettas

1. click google page
2. type in bettas temperature

two seconds and this is what i got

Best Betta Fish Water Temperature - Fish
What's the best water temperature for your betta fish? - Best Betta Fish Water Temperature - Fish is a personally written site at BellaOnline. - Cached - Similar
Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta Splendens)
Although many fish keepers are aware that Bettas come from shallow waters, what is often overlooked is the water temperature. ... - Cached - Similar
The Betta Condition: Temperature: Delineating The Myth of Bettas ...
Bettas are a fish for everyone, and everyone has an opinion on them. What constitutes an ideal temperature for them? - Cached - Similar
Betta Care Basics - The First Tank Guide - Information on Caring ...
30 Jul 2006 ... To keep a Betta healthy, remember to provide him with plenty of clean, warm water. Your Betta's temperature should never drop below 74° ... - Cached - Similar
Betta Care: Tank Temperature | Healthy Betta
Tank Temperature Bettas require a stable, warm tank temperature between 78-80 degrees Fahrenheit. This temperature should not vary more than a degree or ... - Cached - Similar
Bettas and cool room temperature? - Aquariums Forum - GardenWeb
5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: 1 Oct 2005
Some breeders lower the temperature a little to get the Bettas in a spawning mood for breeding. I read the lowest temperature for Thailand is 68 degrees. ... - Similar
I need some Betta help/advice‎ - 6 posts - 26 Jun 2006
Am I being paranoid about my heater?‎ - 9 posts - 4 Feb 2005

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WikiAnswers - What temperature should betta fish be living in
Betta and Siamese Fighting Fish question: What temperature should betta fish be living in? Bettas are tropical fish; anything from 20-30 degrees C is ... - Cached - Similar
Betta Aquarium and Water Temperature? - Yahoo! Answers
3 Dec 2009 ... I have a Betta on my desk at work and am finding a… › Pets › Fish - Cached
Betta water temperature?‎ - 11 Dec 2009
Help with Betta Fish water temperature, please!?‎ - 4 Dec 2009
Betta Fish - PH and Temperature?‎ - 15 Nov 2009
What is the absolute lowest room temperature a Betta can live in ...‎ - 18 Jun 2008

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Najrick Betta Care
We suggest the optimum temperature for Bettas to be between 22 and 28 degrees Celsius. Anything lower than 20 degrees is not ideal. ... - Similar
How to Take Care of a Betta Fish - wikiHow
Add your betta. Float the bag with the betta inside it as you purchased it in the tank water for 5 minutes. This allows for the temperature to adjust. ... - Cached - Similar

so what research did you do then, :huh:
actually before i post a topic on here i always see if i can research the answer somewhere else first and if i cant then i post on here. i don't take everything to heart! and from my point of view i don't see how i am contradicting my self in the first place!! please don't comment on my posts if you arnt going to answer the question!
When breeding fish you should not only learn about the aspects of breeding, but also care and health. Without these you won't breed healthy fry.

Your bettas water should be kept at 78-82F. They are tropical fish and NEED warm water. Fast the betta for a few days to stop the bloating. Bloodworms shouldn't be fed as a daily food source. They should only be used for treats and conditioning.
theres a lot of people on this forum with far too much time on there hands !

Aint there!

Ok, i think the OP has got the point.

You should have researched the fish before researching how to breed them. People have given good advice, so please use it :)
look you dont need to be sarcastic about ti and yes i do know what temp they are meant to be at but as i said the heater B R O K E!!!!!! i am waiting for a new one to arrive but i cant speed up post can i. thank you to all those people who were nice and i did look on google about the swelling and yes there was lots but i wanted to post on here as well for a second opinion, is there a problem with that. please no more comments on this now as it is sorted!!!!!!! :grr:

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