Please Help


New Member
Feb 10, 2009
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Hey guys I just got a new 3 inch male flowerhorn yesterday and was very pleased with him he was active and responsive today when I woke up he doesn't want to leave this little rock setup I have and he is much less active and his fins move a bit too fast just to stay in one area...It just doesn't look to right to me???What do you guys think might of happened? Is he just getting used to his new home....Yesterday he was great as I said swimming a ton and being very responsive now it's the oppisite and he gets scared easily....I check the water levels and everything is perfect..and water temp is 81 degress
how long has the tank been set up for?
what levels did you test?
how long has the tank been set up for?
what levels did you test?
Hey the tank has been set up for over a year...and the levels were nitrate,nitrite,ph about 6.5 to 7.0 carbonate hardness and general hardness

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