Please Help


New Member
Nov 25, 2006
Reaction score
County Durham
hi i this morning when i woke up i noticed my water was cloudy and the fish were gasping at the top i had also lost 1 fish because of it, but last night when i turned the lights off they were fine. I immediately changed about 40% of the water and tested the old water and the new water, the only difference was that the ph had dropped to at least 6.0 (usually 7.0) it could be lower but the test only goes to 6.0 but the ammonia was 0ppm nitrite 0ppm and nitrate 5.0ppm. the only reason i can think is the other day i adjusted the filter so it didnt create turbulence at the surface, could this be the reason if so then why was the water also cloudy? Also i started using treatment on wednesday for fungus and finrot because i think my corydoras have fungus (although not sure if its fungus or slime). I have a 2 1/2ft aquarium with 4 neons 3 guppys 2 small angels 3 corydoras 1 khoolie loach 4 buenos aires tetras and 5 rosy tetras also mt snails with mainly plastic plants but i have water sprite floating on surface. Any help would be appreciated thanks. lee
I think part of the problem is that when treating with meds you need to increase the airation as they remove oxygen from the water.
No point testing tank water straight after a water change false results, couple of hours later.
Need to turn aeration up in the tank with meds as that will make it cloudy.
Do you have any bogwood in the tank.
Don't do large water changes if the ph is alot different to tap, it will stress and shock the fish.
I have 1 piece of bogwood but it has been in since i set the tank up at least 9 months, by cloudy i mean like a milky colour but since i changd the water the fish have stopped gasping although it is still a little cloudy, also if i changed 40% of water should i add a bit more medication because its interpet fungus and finrot and you only put 1 dose in so now i have diluted it, or should i just leave it.

Just tested ph again and it is at 6.4.
Yes you will have to add the correct amount of med back to water removed.
Meds can turn the tank cloudy, when they go cloudy it means you need more aeration with the med.
No they cant have been overfed as i dont give them that much in fact it doesnt even last 5 mins in the tank, i think it is the medicine as iv also noticed that there is a thin white film covering the glass and plant roots, i just dont understand why it took 2 days to even affect the water and turn it cloudy overnight.

Im also not sure if im treating them for the right problem as they dont seem to be getting better yet, is there any treatment available that treats most problems because it is either fungus, costia or maybe velvet its definately a little whitish patch on the side of fish.

Ive also been thinking about getting some aquarium salt and using it after ive finished treatment, i know that corydoras are sensitive to salt so does anyone know how much would be safe to put into the tank with corydoras. thanks
Corys can tolerate abit of salt but not the full dose.
Any signs of the fish flicking and rubbing on objects.
Columnaris is hard to cure on the fungus and finrot med, I usually say to use myxazin and pimafix.
Yeah some of the fish have been flicking against the plants and sand for a while now, even before there was any signs of disease on any of the fish. But the fish that ive seen flicking dont look or seem ill at all so i was wondering why they were doing it. They dont do it constantly just occasionally.

So with the salt as long as i use less than the dosage it would be ok.
Fish can flick after a water change, also flick when water quality not good.
If been flicking alot and no signs it can be skin flukes.
But fish will also flick when they have columnaris.
Salt just a few teaspoons with having the corys.
Well interpet no 8 fungus and finrot says it treats columnaris but the 7 day treatment is up on wednesday and they still dont look much better, they havent got worse just look the same.

What would you recommend i treat them with? And if i put some carbon in on wednesday how long should i wait before i add the next med?

Is it also safe to add the salt while im using meds?

Ive heard that fish flicking sometimes is the equivalent of us coughing but i dunno why they do it. Can you see skin flukes with the naked eye or are they too small?

Oh btw thanks for your help so far wilder :good:
If you get a magifying glass you should be able to see the flukes.
Never did rate that interpet finrot med for columnaris.
Myxazin and pimafix, you can add salt with some meds it tell you on the label in you cant.

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