Please Help

What's that saying? It always seems to happen in 2s or 3s. . .

I sympathizes w/ ya . . . I would be :-( my eyes out. Hope things get better and if you need anything just let me know. . .
the fin disintregration, did it happen really quick like within 48hrs not over days, im only asking cos a while back i had a similar prob, one morning fish fine next morning dead and all fins disintregrated, like fin rot but much faster, turned out to be a very nasty bacterial infection and only effective treatment was tetracycline, which has its own drawbacks such as being light sensitive.
I think I would consider an antibiotic too. We are facing more and more resistent bacteria. If you use an antibiotic be sure to complete the recommended cycle and all symptoms are gone, gone, gone. Do frequent waterchanges until you can get the medication. I actually have had good luck with BettaFix. liz2 just posted what she is using and having success with. Synirr uses Maracyn and Maracyn 2--expensive. Culumnaris can be very fast and hang on for a long time on stuff. It can resemble fin rot but more virulent.

May you recieve wisdom from above.
I'm sorry for your loss Elise, I know how hard it is to lose a lot of them all at once :(

The weird thing is, the way you describe it sounds exactly like what happened in my divided tank recently. Their fins would just go black/dark at the tips and fall off. EDIT: And when I say "tips", I mean like the whole second half of the fin.
THanks guys. It actually sounds a LOT like what bettawen said. The last two from the split tank are doing quite well. They are at least perky and not dead :/

I boiled the rocks, I am currently disenfecting my tank (treat for 24 hours, clean, let dry for 24 hours) and I boiled my plants which did warp them into interesting shapes, but oh well.

Oh the bright side, I had 3 other bubblenests recently :) of course one did come from the female betta community... :blink:

So, the remaining two are on anitbios as we speak. Storin is on bettafix as a precaution as there is no outward signs of sickness. Earnie is on quickcure for the ich (which is now thankfully dissapated) and some betta fix is in his future after a nice week of nothing but clean water and salt.

I am so glad that I joined this forum, because everyone else I tell at my house is really kinda like, oh more fish dead, oh well. :/ Or well I actually kinda liked this response: "So, you want me to buy you some more?" :hyper: My dad is so awesome! But of course I replied: "I have to take care of this plague first. Then, if everyone is healthy with no problems when I set the 6split back up again, then YES!" :look:

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the store to call me and tell me if they got my shipment of DTs in. I want them now, but I also want to clear up this mess first. :/

What you said Synirr, That sounds kinda like what was happening to me too! I just am hoping so much for these last two boys to pull through. I've lost 4 within a week. :(

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