THanks guys. It actually sounds a LOT like what bettawen said. The last two from the split tank are doing quite well. They are at least perky and not dead
I boiled the rocks, I am currently disenfecting my tank (treat for 24 hours, clean, let dry for 24 hours) and I boiled my plants which did warp them into interesting shapes, but oh well.
Oh the bright side, I had 3 other bubblenests recently

of course one did come from the female betta community...
So, the remaining two are on anitbios as we speak. Storin is on bettafix as a precaution as there is no outward signs of sickness. Earnie is on quickcure for the ich (which is now thankfully dissapated) and some betta fix is in his future after a nice week of nothing but clean water and salt.
I am so glad that I joined this forum, because everyone else I tell at my house is really kinda like, oh more fish dead, oh well.

Or well I actually kinda liked this response: "So, you want me to buy you some more?"

My dad is so awesome! But of course I replied: "I have to take care of this plague first. Then, if everyone is healthy with no problems when I set the 6split back up again, then YES!"
Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the store to call me and tell me if they got my shipment of DTs in. I want them now, but I also want to clear up this mess first.
What you said Synirr, That sounds kinda like what was happening to me too! I just am hoping so much for these last two boys to pull through. I've lost 4 within a week.