Please Help


Fish Herder
Mar 15, 2005
Reaction score
Nor Cal
So that new tank I got (the 6 way split) is like the tank from hell. Everything is dying! I don't understand! Two fish die, the rest were so depressed they couldn't stand it. So I take everyone out, scrub/boil the crap out of the tank and put only 3 back in on different sides and fill the empty spots in with big plants so they can't see each other as well.

Now, Alpha is starting to get weird color and not be active. His grown back portion of his fins have lost all their shine and are not dull blue while his body has lost some of the shimmer is now almost tan but only is some spots! And Allie, who was the only happy original habitant, after losing Carp and Ula his favorite tank mates, he is droopy. And Storin, who has always been super perky is now laying on the bottom. He comes up to visit when I'm near by though. I just don't get it!

Do you think that maybe they just are too stressed being able to see each other that clearly in those little spots through the leaves or what?? They are used to having clear tanks right next to each other with no problem! My friend who has the same tank has less planted leaves and all 6 bettas are happy!

What did I do? I used burning hot water to clean my nets! I used the same to clean the tank. I even switched the rocks out to some that had been in the bettas' previous tanks. :-( :-( I am so lost. I put in dechlor and aquarium salt. And I don't use chemicals nearby my tanks (not even in the same room).

Please help me. :-(
I'm so sorry to hear about your fishies Elise. :rip: little guys and girls.

Have you done anything recently that could have upset them? Change of dechlor brands? Did you add anything that could have altered the pH?

What chemicals do you use for the water?
My best suggestion is first test the water. . . if you don't have test kits you should be able to take it to your lfs and they should test it for free.

Then (for the 2 time) strip the tank again and disinfect it. If you google "disinfect tank" you should pull up some good articles (I would link some but I don't want to get in trouble). PM me if you need help or suggestions.

Sorry for the losses. . . . that sucks. :(

Good luck!!!
Sorry about your fish. Silly question but they werent the same age were they? My blue betta is very mopey, dont know how long I have had him but he has never grown in size..think he is old.
I just lost Alpha! :-(

OKay, I am testing my tank right now.

I had these old rocks that a friend gave me from her husbands tank when he tore it down. I've had those rocks for a good couple of months. I gave em a quick rinse with hot water and put them in the tank. Do you think that's where the problems started? -_- I didn't think to ask why he tore down the tank...maybe all his fish died. :(

So, when I cleaned it out just a few days ago, I took out all rocks and washed with super burning hot water, then I put in some rocks that I've had with no problems. Oh what if they got something from those other rocks? :no:

Okay, I have been using the AquaSafe. I have not changed brands. These fish were all different ages. Carp was around 2, Ula was around 1, and Alpha was probably only 6 months or so. My other two, Allie and Storin are now going downhill fast.

I added some Quick Cure because that's the only meds I have and I added some Blackwater Extract just to make them more comfortable. I also had previously added extra aquarium salt.

The one fish that had been in the 6 way split and I took out because he got Ich, he is doing just fine, aside from the Ich. So maybe it was the rocks. Or maybe when one of the fish died, he spread something to the rest of them.


PH is...7.0 Neutral. :crazy: :angry: :S :/ :-(
I always boil any previously used rocks and gravel in water for about 10 minutes before adding them to tank. Late fall got a tank from my sister for angelfish and boiled the gravel and then set up tank for cycling. Even when they were in my tanks and haven't used them for awhile I boil them. So in the future boil any previously used rocks or gravel to make sure anything that can harm the fish is gone with the boiling water. Good luck with your fish.

Sorry about your losses, hope no more.
Arghh. that sucks so so much, Elise! I'm so sorry for your 2 little Bettas :(

I suggest seperating the others into individual smaller tanks, so you can easily observe them and treat them for whatever they might've gotten. It could also just be tank stress. Definintely nuke the tank and use all-new decorations, or decorations that you KNOW are safe. You can also put plastic mesh over each divided section to block their view more. Good luck!
Thanks for the tips guys...I jsut noticed something that may help point out what is wrong: when I disposed of Carp and Alpha, they both had fin degeneration. Like it was almost falling off or something? Now, the one I said was alright but being treated for ich, he is now got deteriorating fins. I can see the rays sticking out, but the tissue in between is falling off. And, of course, that means he has terrible fin rot now.

:no: I am so lost. :sad:

Question: can one boil silk plants? That is all I have in there and I really don't want to have to throw away about $35 worth of silk plants! :X
You can boil them - but they might/will get warped. :/

I would say if you're super worried bout the tank - just take the fish out and put them in individual containers and treat. That's honestly my best suggestion - seeing how anything in the tank could be causing it.

Sorry for your losses. . . hope it gets better soon!!!
Sorry, Elise. Sukie and splashluff sound right on to me. Did you get a new fish in the new tank?

Maybe the move and loss of their neighbors stressed them and lowered their immunity, too.
Yeah, I've given up on knowing. The last three remaining alive are well, just alive. Earnie (the one with Ich) is doing okay. He's bummed because he loved being by so many bettas. Now he's kinda droopy. The other two left from the tank from hell disaster, Storin and Allie, they're not doing so well. I have to go check on Allie again because I think maybe he didn't make it. :-( I can't believe he makes it all the way from Colorado and then I kill him. :sad: Storin seems to be in the best shape, he even ate some live bloodworms last night. I'm hoping for him to make it.

I know sometimes these things happen and you sort of have to pick up and move on. I plan to tear down the tank again tonight and boil the plants and rocks. Then I am going to google the disenfect tank and do as they say. Then, for good measure, I'll cut craft canvas to fit in front of the glass parts so the future inhabitants can feel more secure.

What a bummer. This whole thing sucks. And it couldn't have really happened at a worse time; I just broke up with my boyfriend of almost 2 years. :sad: The whole thing is really bad timing and unfortunate.

Thank you guys so much for the support and help you've given me. :/
Ps. Alfred is dead. And there is all this sloughing of the fins and the skin... :sick: he wasn't even dead for that long!

At least Storin looks perky! There is hope!
Elise I am really sorry you are having problems. Keep your chin up sweetheart. love liz x :*
Been going through a lot of losses, myself, lately. I'm sorry to hear about your bettas.. :sad: I hope Storin makes it..

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