Please Help! Worried About My Boy!

I'd do water changes. Just be sure to replace the med removed through the change. I find the cleaner the water is the more likely they are to survive even the harshest of diseases.
I'd do water changes. Just be sure to replace the med removed through the change. I find the cleaner the water is the more likely they are to survive even the harshest of diseases.

Okay, thanks for your help :)

So when you say 'replace the med removed through the change' --- do you mean I need to add more than what it calls for or just be sure to add the prescribed amount?

Sorry for the stupid questions, I just want to be sure to do it right and save my baby!! He's already seeming to be MUCH better. Swimming around like crazy, and I just saw him flare for the first time in a week or so :) :)
Betta seems to be doing much better. His fins are beginning to uncurl and the redness at the tip of his tail is going away and it is beginning to flourish again. He has been flaring at the mirror when I hold it up to his bowl (which he hadn't done in a long time before yesterday) and is anxious to eat at breakfast and dinner time. 2 more days of Maracyn-two to go.

I did a flashlight test on him this morning and it looks as though he may have the beginnings of Velvet (not sure though, never seen it before, just read about it). Should I go ahead and start treatment for that today or should I want until the Maracyn-two is done?

Please don't think I don't care properly for my betta, I definitely do. I am surprised that he's developed this problems and it shames me to think it's because of something that I've done. I could really use some friendly advice.


Can you describe why you think it's velvet just to make sure, i was going to say trreat for the bacterial infection another week, but if he does have velvet might have to rethink.
Can you describe why you think it's velvet just to make sure, i was going to say trreat for the bacterial infection another week, but if he does have velvet might have to rethink.

it is mostly around his head and looks like grains of golden sand. it is much less than it was last night, so i think whatever it is is being helped by the maracyn-two. he is also being kept in the dark, (read that it was good to kill off the velvet) and kept a little warmer than usual (81-82). he is looking much better and becoming much more active as time and treatment go on. should i give him another day before i treat for velvet (in case that's not what he's got) or is it better to go ahead and treat him? and what should i use?
also -- if i should continue treatment, should it be right away or give him a break first?
Velvet looks like a dusting, add half a dose of velvet med for now if it beginning to clear with the antibiotic, but you will have to increase aeration with two meds, keep a close eye on him though as some fish can't tolerate two meds.
I had it when a bought a fancy goldfish and the water changes and the antibiotic cleared it up without using a velvet med, good luck.
Velvet looks like a dusting, add half a dose of velvet med for now if it beginning to clear with the antibiotic, but you will have to increase aeration with two meds, keep a close eye on him though as some fish can't tolerate two meds.
I had it when a bought a fancy goldfish and the water changes and the antibiotic cleared it up without using a velvet med, good luck.

thanks for the encouragement and advice on this matter. if it weren't for this forum my poor betta may not still be with me! ;)
turn out all aquarium and room lights and use a flashlight, the point source of light will make Oodinium more visible.
Well, my Betta is even better today. He's SO active in his bowl, his fins are almost completely uncurled, all the redness is gone and his colour is becoming more vibrant, just like it used to be! He still has the weird sandy thing happening, but it's slowly going away. I'm going to LFS later to get a few more fish for my 10g, so I may pick up the velvet med in case it doesn't go away completely with the anti-bacteria treatment. Lately he has only been eating little bits at a time, but today his appetite has returned in full force. Yay! :good:
Good news, yes get the velvet med parasites are nasty they can cause alot of damage, good luck.
I just wanted to thank everyone for the friendly advice on how to nurse my betta back to health. He is doing absolutely wonderful :) I actually just saw some really beautiful bettas, including a spectacular crowntail at my LFS... might go get a new dual tank and another betta sometime soon!

Thanks again. You guys are amazing :wub:

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