Please Help! Worried About My Boy!


New Member
Apr 21, 2006
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Hey Everyone

I'm new here... I've decided to join the forum after unsuccessfully finding out what was wrong with my betta by googling and searching other forums.

I got my betta from a specialty fish store in January and all has been wonderful until about 2 weeks ago. I picked my betta because he was a beautiful turquoise colour with red accents, was swimming lively and looked very healthy and beautiful. The day after I brought him home he had made a big bubble nest in his bowl so I figured he was comfortable and happy. His fins also opened up nicely.

He does not have the same kind of extravagant fins I have seen in many betta pictures, which at first led to me to believe he could have been a she. His fins have begun curling at the ends and his head has turned a slight grey colour. I have recently put him in a 10g freshwater tank with filter, heater set at 78, and a light that runs about 6 hrs daily depending on the weather. I have yet to get him any bloodworms, will do so tomorrow after my exam (finally finished university, woohoo!). He eats Hikari Betta Bites (sp?), just a couple, daily. I have recently got him some colour enhancing pellets and will get bloodworms soon.

Can anyone help me? I'm worried that my boy is sick or dying. :/

He is not quite as active as he used to be, and hardly ever flares anymore, even at the mirror (which I only place near the tank for a few minutes to see if he perks up). He usually is excited to eat, but it may take a few minutes for him to actually get the pellets sometimes.

Please help! Any advice you could give me would be much appreciated!

Thanks :)

attached is a pic of my betta when i first got him, not great quality but might help to show how his fins differ from many others i have seen.

Sorry, couldn't add the picture. I will try to take a more recent one and add later.
It could be bacterial with the head and fins, need to find out, can you describe the patch on the head, does it had a circling of red around it, or a red spot in the middle.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing or laboured breathing, what does it look like when the betta goes to the toilet.
It could be bacterial with the head and fins, need to find out, can you describe the patch on the head, does it had a circling of red around it, or a red spot in the middle.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing or laboured breathing, what does it look like when the betta goes to the toilet.

It's not really a patch on his head, just looks as if it's gone from turquoise to grey. I'm not sure what it looks like when he goes to the toilet, come to think of it I've never noticed any waste in the tank.

If the fin thing is bacterial, what can I do to help him? Would he be best put back in the small bowl until he gets better?

No flicking or rubbing that I have seen. I will watch him more closely tonight.
Going grey can mean bacterial or parasite, try him on some shelled peas that will flush him through, for now I would try a bacterial med.

What your location for a med, yes i would put him back in his bowl for treatment.
Going grey can mean bacterial or parasite, try him on some shelled peas that will flush him through, for now I would try a bacterial med.

Okay, will do. Hope he gets better soon... strange how we get so attached to these little creatures, isn't it?

Going grey can mean bacterial or parasite, try him on some shelled peas that will flush him through, for now I would try a bacterial med.

What your location for a med, yes i would put him back in his bowl for treatment.

I see you're in England... I'm in Canada and I don't really know if we'd have the same brands of fish care products. Do you have MelaFix? Would you suggest trying that?
I would use tetracycline or maracyn.
I would use tetracycline or maracyn.

Checked LFS website and they have both. They also have some anti bacteria medicated food. Is that worth a shot or should I stick to the tabs?
Or this antibiotic.
The antibiotic food is ok if the fish is still eating, get the tablets as well just in case, but don't use the tablets if he eats the food, good luck.
Or this antibiotic.
The antibiotic food is ok if the fish is still eating, get the tablets as well just in case, but don't use the tablets if he eats the food, good luck.

He is definitely still eating :)

Thank-you for your help. Very much appreciated :)
If anyone else that reads this has any other ideas I would love to hear them. I'm off to LFS to get treatment food/tabs & some danios for my new 10g. Will update as betta's condition changes.
Betta is now in bowl w/ no decorations, no plants, just nice fresh water and seems to be doing quite nicely. I've noticed a red tip on his tail, could me ammonia related. Trying 100% water changes daily/every other day. Keeping him near light to keep water warm (around 80). Won't eat medicated food so getting some tetracycline later today after my exam. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions?
Do you mean a red edging if so hurry and get the tetracycline as it's septicemia.
Do you mean a red edging if so hurry and get the tetracycline as it's septicemia.

I got the treatment powder and put it in the tank. Since the nice fresh water (no plants, no decor, etc) my betta seems to have perked up and dances at the side of the bowl when I come to check on him. He's eating a few bloodworms just now and had 2 pellets this morning. I had put in 4 and he only ate two within a few minutes so I took the extras out to avoid dirtying the water.

In the directions it says that there is no need to change the water between treatments. Would it be best for me to change the water or to leave it as is during the 5 day treatment? Anyone have experience in this area??
Most of the meds give directions on the package about water changes. You don't usually do that as I recall....

"In the directions it says that there is no need to change the water between treatments. Would it be best for me to change the water or to leave it as is during the 5 day treatment? Anyone have experience in this area??"

It does say in the directions that it's not necessary, but the directions are also for a 10g tank, which would almost always be on filtration. Just wondered if anyone had any thoughts on what I should do for an unfiltered 1g. I thought that if I didn't change the water there would be more meds in it, but if I do the water will remain nice and clean and hopefully won't contain the bacteria that's harming my fish.

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