Please Help With Lighting Problem


New Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Hi, I am a bit of a fish tank novice and had aquarium for 2 years with Tropical fish. We have 4 Neon Tetras, Harlequins and various other small fish. We also have a fairly large sucker fish about 6-7" long. About a 4 or 5 months ago the light bulb went in the tank we had. We never replaced the bulb. Now we have just got a new tank and its been set-up for a cuple of weeks, it seems now when we turn the lights on it scares the fish so much and they all try and hide at the bottom and look like they are trying to get out the tank !! The sucker fish that normally does not move just swims around like mad and now we are scared to turn it on. We have tried just hacving it on for 10 minutes and then stepping up the time each time but we have seen no improvement in fish behaviour when the lights are on. Does anyone have some advise as to what we should do. As soon as we turn the lights back off all the fish go back to normall and go back to the top and all around the tank.
Best Regards & Thanks
Richard Murph
I actually have had a similar problem to you. I have 5 tiger barbs, 4 serpae tetras, and 2 clown loaches. I found that it can be linked to your water quality and also the general habitat of your fish. It seems that your fish have gotten used to not having light around and having a bright light shine upon them all of a sudden causes them stress.

I would advise you to put pieces of tinfoil of anything else that you find suitable to subdue the lighting drastically and see how your fish react then. Once you find a suitable level of light that your fish do not freak out at, keep it there for about of week. Then make weekly adjustments. This may sound tedious and what not, but it will help your fish adjust easier with the bright lights.
you might also get a big handful of floating plants to add. This has three benefits in that not only will it cut the amount of light that gets to the bottom of the tank, but it also gives them a more natural place to hide. Third benefit is that it will also help in using up nitrates and nitrites.

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