Please Help Novice Catfish Owner

glad he's better and is going to a decent sized home.

i'm sorry you didn't get much response to your original question but i hope you understand that any other posts made were only because these people care about the fish and want him to be kept in the best possible home.

i know i personally find it very difficult when i see things like RTC and pangasius catfish, they quite simply shouldn't be in the fish trade as the amount of people who can house them properly is minute. Even the people on here with monster tanks would struggle. However people should not take they're frustration out on you, especially as you didn't even buy the fish in the first place.

anyway good luck finding him a nice home and I hope you don't think we're all monsters

hi a quick update i didnt buy this fish i bought a fish tank and he came with it i have since learned alot and fully agree i cannot keep him, saying that i have no sick animals on my watch lol so i wanted to do right by him i reckoned he had been thru alot. tonight he is active and was chasing pellets he also comes to the top of tank when i slide the door. hes so cool but he should be somewhere better im also going online to check out donation of pets to big aquariums and whts entailed in that. peeps i only wanted him to get better and was gonna keep him as i never have given away a pet as i believe they come for a reason i know silly but i know whats best is a place with others his size and profs that know about him gonna make this my project thru my pregnancy "finding a home for georgie" i will keep you informed how georgie and me are getting on thanks big ian misswiggle spang and others for your understanding maybe i didnt word my question right and im glad so many people are worried where georgie is living let me assure hes happy right now and has lots of space i have spoiled him this last week and hes loving it i was so worried but not now his mouth is good he eats he plays thats all i wanted if anyone knows of any pplaces where georgie might want to liveplease pm me thanks again and the negative people get ou the house more your people skills are lacking i might not spell greator have good punctuation but im an animal lover and thats all that should matter... oh and andy sorry babes cheers
I'm so glad he seems a lot better now and good luck with whatever you decide. :good:

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