Please Help My Corydora Catfish Is Dieing

BTW Cucumbers are not highly helpful to Corys. They have to be pretty hungry. But then they will starve anyway. Corys are insectavores. Get the temp down. Swim bladder is not my first choice of trouble for a Cory--but not impossible I suppose. If he is hanging at the surface, he is likely oxygen starved. A few Corys will do well at 70 degrees and very few at 80, but nearly all will be ok at mid 70's. They are a river fish and need aerated water. They usually love air stones. Contrary to myth, they can tolerate some salt for awhile. I'll leave it to germ now.

Also I have run into several cases of Corys failing to thrive because the owner lived in a warm climate w/o cooling, and the tanks stayed in the high 70's and 80's. Bad, Bad, Bad lps!
just a quick update i would like to thanks all you guys for your replays that Corry has died maybe for its best oh well anyways i done a 25% water change mixed with aqua safe hope things get back on track i don't have a test kit so i will take some tank water to lfs to get it tested

thanks again people
Sorry, kadz.

One of my Cory tanks has gone to h--l in a hand basket, because when I rearranged some stuff in the tank, I accidently turned the heater up instead of down. Some new green lasers started losing color and then got light greenish bumps on them. When I checked the temperature, it was 79 or 80 degrees. :hyper: The whole lot of new Corys have a virulent columnaris. I have turned the tank down and it is back to 73-75 degrees. I have treated for columnaris, but given the state of some of the juvies I do not have high hopes of saving all. I just hope not to kill off the whole tank of expensive and wild caught fish. About a $1000 of fish of 5 species.

So temp is an important ingredient in fish keeping. And it happens to us all--we make mistakes in ignorance and accident.
Sorry about the fish.
When you get your water checked... ask about a cheap test kit. Anything is better than nothing.
Did you get the temp down any?
Sorry I wasn't more help.

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