Please Help My Corydora Catfish Is Dieing


New Member
Aug 31, 2007
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East London
hey guys i wanted to know what can i do its in a 3 ft tropical tank with other fishes about 15+ .
my Corydoras Catfish is floating in water like it dont have no energy left it was all right tis morning please help me as time running out

hey guys i wanted to know what can i do its in a 3 ft tropical tank with other fishes about 15+ .
my Corydoras Catfish is floating in water like it dont have no energy left it was all right tis morning please help me as time running out



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Have you checked your water stats?
Let us know your stats, anything new added to your tank, and if it has any marks or anything different about the cory besides not swimming.
I would do a small water change first incase it is a spike or something.
How long has the tank been set up and running?
Did you cycle it before adding fish?
How long have you had this fish?
The more information you can give the more we may be able to help you.
Also the pic is very blurry. It is hard to tell much from that.
Someone that knows more than me might be able to tell something from that, but I need a lot more info.
i checked my water its warm its on 30 on the meter i got a 3ft by 1 up ft tank,i had that fish almost a week now it was ok all day ,i done a water change 3 days ago 25% out,i had the tank for 1 month now it was cycled
Have you got a test kit for your water? You need to check a lot more than the temp. What I am looking for is the nitrites, nitrates, ammonia...
How did you cycle the tank?
What additives or chemicals do you use?
How many fish did you add when you got this one?
Did you acclimate it before putting it in? If so, how did you do it?
What has been added or changed since then?
Did you quarantine it for a while before adding it to your tank with the other fish? If so, how long?
What kind of filter/ airation do you have?

My first thought is ammonia. I would do another water change and add an air stone. It can't hurt, and if that is the problem it will help. Then we can go from there to find and fix what went wrong.
Did you add quite a few fish to the tank since it was cycled? How many at one time, how many times, and how long between adding how many fish?

I agree with ICEEGRL. Do several small water changes frequently--several times a day. When you can, take some water to the fish or pet store to be tested.

I also believe 30 degrees centigrade is above 80 degress farenheit. That is too hot for Corys. Corys should be around 75 degrees farenheit--some one translate please. :)
24 degrees celcius, jogging between topics here, you may want to look at the one in emergaencies as well, Sue. Other info provided....
If you don't test your water how do you know that it was really cycled?
I am not trying to be ugly... I am just trying to get info to be able to help more.
It could be the temp is too high, or ammonia spike, or both. (or many other things) That is why we ask for so many details. It all plays a part in finding the real problem so it can be fixed.
That cories eyes look sunken. Have ou got a clearer pic of him/her? Could be starvation.
just a quick update i would like to thanks all you guys for your replays that Corry has died maybe for its best oh well anyways i done a 25% water change mixed with aqua safe hope things get back on track i don't have a test kit so i will take some tank water to lfs to get it tested

thanks again people

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