Please Help! Betta Is Sick-updated

I gave him the pimafix because he had kind of a goldish halo/ glowing of his scales. Wasnt sure about velvet or what I was looking for so it was suggested on another forum to use both at the same time. His syptoms were so wide spred and me being a newbie, I havent a clue. LOL

Any suggestions about my question on the waterchanges with the medication applications? It says not to until 4th day, but I have been doing at least 25-50% with the use of the two meds. I was told that Melafix is really strong and not sure how strong the pimafix is. :huh:
what does his poo look like?
take a water sample to your local fish store and get them to write down the readings for ammonia, nitrite and nitrate
do you use dechloriator for your water changes?

His poops were white and slimy....hasnt eaten and isnt pooping much. There is slime spots floating in the tank that I noticed when treating him today. Did that come off of his body? Its starting to clear up and isnt as bad as it was a few days ago. I use a betta formulated water conditioner. Plus I leave it out in the open for at least 24 hours before using it. Just to be safe.
Hi there - I've only just seen your post about your poorly Betta.

Clamped fins are often a sign of a bacterial infection and, that being the case, should be treated with something like Myxazin (although you can't use this within 4 days of using whitespot treatment).

I have a German Ram who has suffered pretty much the same symptoms as your Betta - clamped fins, lethargic etc - but halfway through the dose of Myxazin now and her fins have begun to loosen up and she is eating and swimming much better.

If you've tried everything else and he's still unwell, it might be worthwhile giving a bacterial treatment.

All the best - Athena

??**** I have given him Parasite Buddies, Melafix, Pimafix, Salt. 25% water changes per day with redose of meds. I heard that the Melafix is pretty potent stuff, So I have been afraid to give the full dose of that and the Pimafix together with no water change out. The instructions on both say not to change the water until the fourth day. Should I stop the water changes and go full boar with the meds all together?

Any thoughts would be awesome. Dont want to overdose him on top of it.

:rolleyes: Well, He finally Ate one mouthfull of Flakes today!!!
Is this a good sign?
Its been 5 days since he has eaten anything.

He also doesnt seem so stiff and swims around a bit more here and there. Without me having to encourage him to move.

Thats a good thing, right?

He stll has two more days of treatment, but Im still trying to figure out that whole dosage, water changing question that I keep asking for help on.


Thanks you guys. :good:
This NEWBIE appreciates the help!
:-( Well, I think I got my hopes up. Things arent good with "mouth".

He is completely Verticle again and isnt able to control swimming movements well. Doesnt greet, get excited. Just there and starting to flip on his side or in his case upside down almost. I have put him in his take home CUP so he doesnt have to struggle to get air. I think he has done enough struggling already.

I cried already. Just seeing him like this kills me. I feel like I let him down and hes suffering this whole time for not. Havent lost one of my babys before. This sucks. Pretty devistated. Im surprised how attached and upset I am by a little fish. Pittiful

Still hopefull, but looks doubtful. :shout:
Oh dear - sorry to hear things are not getting much better for "Mouth", poor lil thing. But you've tried your best to remedy the situation by treating him with all those medications so you can't blame yourself really. Sometimes it just happens - and I know it's sad even if it is "just a fish" - I get attached to my fish, too, especially the ones that have personalities (and we know Betta's are reknown for striking up a "friendship" with their owner).

When I read your initial post I didn't realise that he had so many other problems - I thought it was just clamped fins and not eating, which is why I queried the use of all those meds - but now you've explained thoroughly, I understand better.

Does it look like he's developed a swimbladder problem now, on top of everything else? Swimming vertically, upside down, at a funny angle or flipping over is usually associated with swimbladder disorders. Can sometimes happen from varying temperatures of water changes, so if you're doing a water change, try to get the temp as near the same as tank water as possible. Usually giving them a squashed pea to eat can help correct swimbladder - but if he's not eating then that's not going to be much use to him.

Oh, I wish I could think of something else to help you but I've run out of ideas now. I suppose there's not much you can do but see the medications through to the end of the course and follow their instructions/dosage to the letter.

Keep us informed of progress one way or the other. Will be hoping for the best!

i'd say give the pea a try, if he hasn't eaten he'll be hungry and will more than likely eat it, boild it for a few seconds then deshell and get a small piece (about the size of the eye is recommended)
Oh dear - sorry to hear things are not getting much better for "Mouth", poor lil thing. But you've tried your best to remedy the situation by treating him with all those medications so you can't blame yourself really. Sometimes it just happens - and I know it's sad even if it is "just a fish" - I get attached to my fish, too, especially the ones that have personalities (and we know Betta's are reknown for striking up a "friendship" with their owner).

When I read your initial post I didn't realise that he had so many other problems - I thought it was just clamped fins and not eating, which is why I queried the use of all those meds - but now you've explained thoroughly, I understand better.

Does it look like he's developed a swimbladder problem now, on top of everything else? Swimming vertically, upside down, at a funny angle or flipping over is usually associated with swimbladder disorders. Can sometimes happen from varying temperatures of water changes, so if you're doing a water change, try to get the temp as near the same as tank water as possible. Usually giving them a squashed pea to eat can help correct swimbladder - but if he's not eating then that's not going to be much use to him.

Oh, I wish I could think of something else to help you but I've run out of ideas now. I suppose there's not much you can do but see the medications through to the end of the course and follow their instructions/dosage to the letter.

Keep us informed of progress one way or the other. Will be hoping for the best!


Oh Athena, you are truelly very sweet. I appreciate your real concern. Thanks. But unfortunately he passed shortly after I posted the last time. Very sad. So sad I couldnt get rid of him on my own, My best friend flushed him for me. I bawled my eyes out. But my others keep me going on. They are awesome little guys for sure. Plus my new girlies I totally love. I have actually bought a "REAL" Aquarium with filters and such for them. I will definatelly, but slowly due to finances, get them all in such a home. I have learned from this and plan to do better for my betta. They are truelly awesome little friends and charished here at my home. Thank you for my help and your concern. To all that tried to show me the way, I truelly appreciate everything. Kisses
Hi there - I've only just seen your post about your poorly Betta.

Clamped fins are often a sign of a bacterial infection and, that being the case, should be treated with something like Myxazin (although you can't use this within 4 days of using whitespot treatment).

I have a German Ram who has suffered pretty much the same symptoms as your Betta - clamped fins, lethargic etc - but halfway through the dose of Myxazin now and her fins have begun to loosen up and she is eating and swimming much better.

I am confused now! For at petsupermarket given medicine for fungus, for on back it says treats clamped fins. Yesterday evening I saw a platy with clamped fins. Had used the fungus med and changed water a few days ago, so I added cycle chemical and API stress coat. This mourning I see she is fine. The other fish that had it got thin and died. Now uncertain if this is bacteria or fungus issue. Definitely related to stress.

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