Please Help Me With Stocking My 100 Gallon

 I know lots of people recommend pictus with oscars but from a personal experience a full grown oscar can get a pictus catfish in its mouth and its no fun trying to remove one from an oscars mouth. I was lucky and managed to save both fish.
My convict is such a beast, hes about 1 inch and hes the only fish without a nipped tail lol. And I currentlystill have Jewel, JD, Green terror, Convict

Jewel is about 2.5"
JD 2 "
GT is about 2"
JD (missing tail) hates the GT and always chases him away

Convict minds his own business and is in his own little fishy world.

GT minds his own business aswell (Missing peice of tail)

Jewel kinda minds his own business now for some reason (maybe he overheard us talking about removing him for the tank lol)
Here is a recent picture taken a few mintues ago.. I just reset it up. (Fixed rocks. Took about 6 ugly plants out and will be adding 2 more purple plants (much larger 12" or so) in the background)

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