Please Help Me Identify This Shrimp \ Lobster


New Member
May 19, 2009
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Newport, Wales
I need help to identify a shrimp \ lobster that seems to have been a freeloader in my live rock. Taken a photo but is very poor quality as it hides behind the rock.

Description - Slightly larger than my fireshrimp so about 7-10 cm long, pinkish in colour not bright coloured. Fan tailed, has white antennas, can't see any claws but can't get that close.

Body seems to be scalish rather than smooth like the other shrimp.

Others in tank - blue,red, rock hermits, 2 x skunk cleaners,1 blood, 1 peppermint, 2 sandsifters.

Can't seem to load a photo tho.
need a photo really, but could it be a mantis shrimp?
Can't seem to add the photo - any ideas ?

When I've seen pictures of the mantis shrimp it is more like a segmented skeleton and centipede (pardon the expression) whilst this has the same shape as a fireshrimp but pink in colour and not smooth but body seems scaled

Can you get different types of mantis shrimp that would look more like what I'm describing ?

Thanks - sorry for being dosile about these things but just started.
If you cant see the claws it could well be a mantis.

Does it look anything like the picture below (ignore the colouring).


(Image taken from [URL=""][/URL]

Edit: sorry I was typing my reply while you posted your last one.

Have a look at the video here which shows how to upload photos to photo buckets and then post them on a forum:
Been told it could be a pink lobster or pistol shrimp
How can I tell the difference ?
Just tried to get behind the rock without dismantleing it and no good. Got to within 10 cm of the thing and it didn't flinch so obviously either blind or brave

The cleaning shrimps are only 10cm away from it and it doesn't seem to bother them

Hermits all seem fine and none missing and they have been on all the rock so don't seem bothered by it either

Any ideas ?
Hard to say unless you can get a good look at the claws...

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