Please Help Me Help My Betta! I'm Desperate!

Okay so today, not even 24 hours after doing the water change that I detailed above, he is looking better, he seems to have less whitesih on him.
Even though this seems to be working miracles for the white stuff on him, it is almost all gone now after only 24 hours, what is the best remedy for the fin rot?
Even though this seems to be working miracles for the white stuff on him, it is almost all gone now after only 24 hours, what is the best remedy for the fin rot?
Good to hear. By far the most important thing to concentrate on is his environment. Keep on top of the water and check and clean the gravel, getting rid of any debris you find.
"What is the best remedy for the fin rot?" ... well, as you added so many things, you can't be sure. Either way, if it's working, then I personally would do another 100% change with the same cocktail added...

Good luck with the little one. I know what you mean about getting attached. I had a red dwarf gourami for 9 months (he got DG disease) and I loved him to bits and broke my heart when he died. 5 years is fantastic for a Betta.. you've done really well with him!
I also have heard of people having trouble with the melafix and pimafix and bettas, but I have never had a problem with them. If this is working for you and your betta is looking better,by all means, continue. Hope you get a few more years out of your betta :good: .

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