Please Help Me Explain


Fish Gatherer
Apr 11, 2009
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My dad kept fish up until about 20 years ago. My interest has got him started again.
He had this sweet jar and wanted to put a few wcmms in it. I was :hyper: and so when my betta died, I offered him my 5 gall hex, thinking at least it has a filter.
It was his birthday so I got him a heater, some plastic plants, a siphon, bucket, jug, food, water conditioner, basically set him up.
Yesterday we went to get some fish. I talked him out of 1 of each of 6 types of tetra :crazy: and he finally decided on 5 white finned tetra. His based his decision mainly on the fact that the theirs was the most active and healthy looking tank.
I put some of my mature media in the filter and we acclimatised them. I've told him to do 2 50% water changes a week, and given him prime to use each time.
I went to have a look at them today and he'd just finished removing one of them to the sweet jar (with a 10w heater, but no filter). It was quite a bit bigger than the others and had been bullying them so they were all hiding.
I said he should change its water every day and if the tank settles down without it, we could take it back.
He's talking about getting more for the sweet jar :crazy:
It's difficult as I am new to fishkeeping, so only know all the modern ideas. He is accepting of my arguments, but his head is still in the 70's.
Then he's got the fish shop guy telling him 10 tetras would fit in that tank, and a friend at work telling him to put a betta in with them. I thought the inch per gallon rule was an old one, but he thinks it's for unfiltered tanks.
Anyway, to get to the point, an argument he keeps going back to is this fish which was kept by a few different people. It was either a wcmm or a harlequin rasbora and it lived for about 9 years in a tiny box, about 6"x4"x4". Because it did, he thinks fish in unfiltered tanks will work. How did it live that long? There was a lot of algae in the tank, but no live plants other than that.
wcmm are tough little ones

if hes guna keep white tip bentosi tetras is not guna be ideal ... they get bigger then the minnows and its all trial and error with those containers, realy i dont agree but some people get lucky... and this makes them think its ok ... why doesnt he get a tank :p?
Well, he's got this 5 gall from me. Money is an issue, so he can't go buying tanks willy nilly. If he's successful with these, he wants to get a bigger tank again and try and set up a community.
Aggression was something he always had trouble with when he had tropicals before. I've not experienced it as I've only had endlers and bettas so far.
Introduce him to the forum :good:

I agree its really hard to try to explain to people about what fish are ok and what aren't etc..
My cousin still thinks and angelfish will be ok in a 50 litre :crazy: and he was going to get 10 discus for a 120 litre community
:crazy: :grr: .
Admittedly it was difficult to suppress my rage at his ignorance.

With hundreds of people with views all contradicting those of your Dads, he will find it hard to argue with that many of us at once. :good:
hey, they managed back in the day! let him make the mistake then say i told you so when and IF all his fish die
Aww, the poor fishies though :(

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