Please Help Identify This Fish


Fish Crazy
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Albany, Minnesota US
Hello everybody, I'm new to the forum but I'm sure that I'll be around here for awhile. anyhow I'd really appreciate it if anyone could help me Identify what type of fish this is.
I bought it at Walmart It was in the tank with the mollies I bought, and it looks nothing like them.
I've come to find that these fish are really interesting. I also was wondering is my 5 gallon hex tank
big enough for the 4 of these fish that I have? Thanks For Any Replies

Robert Herrington

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Very pretty... either a female betta or a young, male plakat betta. In a 5 gallon hex, it should do fine on it's own. I wouldn't get any mates for this aggresive one.
yep it a betta as wendy said, male plakat or a female, should be kept alone, you might get away with a shrimp, but it might end us as a snack :rolleyes: its a pretty betta anyway :good:
Welcome to the forums!

if it was in with the mollies, it would be a female betta, as mentioned above. they will grow about one inch long, so the hex 5 will be fine.

do yo have 4 now? some times they can be aggressive but mixing the females together is usually ok.....

but as for males.... (at walmart they are usually in cups of some sort) the are really aggressive and you've got to keep them in their own tank or bowl...
although sometimes they do work in community tanks, just don't keep 2 male bettas together
you'd probably need a 10 gal for 4, i have 4 in a 3 gal temporaryly, they get on great but they are siblings and all added together

they will be moved to the 15 gallon soon
I believe the OP has one female betta * the query on* and 3 mollies.

The betta should be on her own in the tank and you will need a much bigger tank for the mollies. Id say around 15 gallons.
I believe the OP has one female betta * the query on* and 3 mollies.

The betta should be on her own in the tank and you will need a much bigger tank for the mollies. Id say around 15 gallons.

I Should Say I Have 2 Mollies And One Platy The Beta Actually Came Out Of The Tank That The Platies Were In. Im Hoping To Get A Bigger Tank Soon. It's Wierd If I Stick The Tip Of My Finger In The Tank The Other Fish Will Nibble On it But The Beta Wil LATCH on To It.

Another Thing is i have them a 1 table spoon salt per 5 gallons how will the beta be in the salt water i havent seen any problems yet
I say you should keep the betta alone. They don't do too well with tankmates. If you can't get another tank soon, I suggest taking the mollies/platies back to the store, with the 1inch per gal rule, you are 4 inches overstocked. (mollies get to 4 inches, platies to 2), I don't think the salt will harm anyione in the tank.
I Think Ill Buy A 25 Gallon Aquarium Set Up I Just Got 2 More Female Mollies And 1 Female Platy Because My Male Molly Was Chasing The Female To Death. They Should Be Fine In the 5 Gallon For A Week Or 2 Though Right? And One More Question Will A Male Molly Chase A Female Platy And Vise Versa?
Hello everybody, I'm new to the forum but I'm sure that I'll be around here for awhile. anyhow I'd really appreciate it if anyone could help me Identify what type of fish this is.
I bought it at Walmart It was in the tank with the mollies I bought, and it looks nothing like them.
I've come to find that these fish are really interesting. I also was wondering is my 5 gallon hex tank
big enough for the 4 of these fish that I have? Thanks For Any Replies

Robert Herrington

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hi there, that fishy would be a siamese fighter, whatever you do, dont put another in the tank with him because theyll fight it out to the death, hope that helps :rolleyes:

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