Glad to hear she's going to the vets after all. Have you thought about getting her insurance to cover vets fees? It won't cover any existing conditions, but it's something every owner should think about for their dog, especially those on a tight budget.
Itchy ears could be for a myriad of reasons, especially with long eared dogs like spaniels. Vomiting is never a good sign if it goes on for more than a couple of episodes - is she vaccinated? Scooting on the carpet could mean worms (as could the vomiting if she's got a very large worm load, but you would expect to have seen some by that point, or for her to have a pot belly).
Sounds like she needs her ears and other symptoms checking out ASAP, as noone on here can diagnose her problems for you, she needs the vet for that. As for flea drops - please don't use over the counter petshop drops/sprays/powders - they don't work at all and can be dangerous. Frontline, Stronghold and similar preparations can be bought at your vets one she's been weighed, and do work. You can buy Frontline online without a prescription now for lower prices, but she'll still need weighing accurately at the vets anyway.