Please Help Guppys Pregnant For Over 6 Weeks

ammonia should be 0 as should nitrites. do an immediate water change. ammonia is probably killing your fry or damaging your fish enough for them to abort the fry
It sounds like you have let the water get out of whack so as Spishkey said, start doing large and frequent water changes to get things back to normal. If you have been using antibiotics, you may have damaged your biological filter and are now finding yourself in the middle of a fish-in cycle. Monitor your water and do the needed water changes and things should get much better quickly. I become concerned when I see people using a lot of medications because I know it can upset the balance in your tank so easily.
yeh its defo got out of hand just lost one of the females who gave birth last night just been to my lps and got nitra-zorb which helps take away amonia , nitrate ,nitrite .i need a larger tank for my pregnant ones as there in a small tank so this isnt helping so if anybody knows somebody who is getting rid of a 3ft or 4ft tank free or cheep in or around the blackburn area i would be greatfull to know thanks
sorry i have to ask but why are you keeping all the fry if you cannot house them? let nature take its course, some will be eaten some will survive and you will not have the problems of hundreds of fry that will need rehoming and nobody willing to take them!

as nice as it is to 'save' the fry, you aren't really doing the fish any favours keeping them squashed in together. i made the same mistake when i first got livebearers, and was left with hundres of fry which i had to deal with and look after. after 6 months i have final got it down to about 50 and no longer save fry. if they survive, good for them, if not the others get a nice snack.

the only fry i 'save' now are from my mickey mouse platys as im trying to breed a specific colour :)
becouse the fry when big enough go into my partners 4ft-2ft-2ft tank i just didnt expect so many to give birth near same time

and im not letting baby fry be eaten as food thats why they get moved straight away thats nasty and i wont do it somebody will be kind enough and have a tank to sell me .its a waiting game
what will happen when all the fry are breeding age and start having babies though? even in a 4ft tank you will run out of room very quickly.

i wish you all the luck in the world.

and its called survival of the fittest, not cruelty, livebearers have so many young, as out in the wild a large percentage would be eaten :)
i know but i start crying when one gets eaten sad init but im like that im waiting for them to get abit bigger so then i can sell them on ebay but not as fry as some people buy them for food and that to me is a NO NO NO NO .my cousin might be getting rid of her tank which is 3ft so may have thast one running aswell soon
in all honesty, unless they are something special, livebearer fry are hard to get rid off, unless youre giving them away for free. just be careful you dont swap yourself with fry :)

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